The Sunshine Award

“The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world.”

And, I have been graciously given this very award from the lovely blogger Lucy.

I am honored, and flattered, and deeply touched.

Thank you!!

Of course, awards come with rules…

1. Put the logo on your blog and/or within your post.
2. Pass the award on to twelve bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and the link to the person from whom you received this award
The really fun part of this is- I get to pass it on!
(Let the drumroll begin)

I am passing this award on to the people who have inspired me with their positivity and creativity on many occasions and they are as follows:

1. Jennifer @ Redhead Ranting because makes My Day almost every day. Seriously.
2. Selma @ Selma In The City because her style of writing is absolutely incredible.
3. Gina @ A Muse In My Pocket because she could use some loving and support right now.
4. Christine @ Out Of My Mind because her Police Logs crack me up and we’ve been friends forever now.
5. Lisa @ That’s Why because I think she is super smart.
6. Nicky @ We Work For Cheese because I am TOTALLY In love with her, and I might even have a *girl crush* on her.
7. Dorothy @ Grammology because she’s wise.
8. Michelle @ One Of A Kind because she’s SUPER crafty and very creative.
9. Dana @ Random Chick because she’s the best writing buddy and editor ANYONE could ever ask for.
10. Ann T @ Ann T Hathaway because she is a wonderful woman.
11. Katherine @ Shoot Me Now because she takes some of the funniest photos I’ve ever seen.
12. Peedee @ Queen of The Dogs because I love her and one day I plan on visiting her for some vacation time!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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36 Responses to The Sunshine Award

  1. agg79 says:

    Well deserved.
    If anyone has can a little sunshine in our days, it is Meleah and her DtD posts.

  2. Woo! Congratulations! You definitely deserve the Sunshine Award, and it looks like you have chosen some very worthy recipients to share the glory.

  3. lemonstand says:

    Congratulations! And I so totally agree with Lucy!

  4. Anne says:

    Congrats! You definitely deserve it (you were even sunshiny when you were having trouble with your legs). You have chosen some worthy recipients.

  5. Congratulattions, Meleah! You bring us all sunshine with your posts, so this is well deserved! Have a great weekend!

  6. Katherine says:

    Congratulations! You are an inspiration!

  7. Katherine says:

    I love you I love you I love you!!!!! Honestly, you inspire me big time. Your video of the no power song inspired me to laugh more with my kids. Your posts about doing things differently started ME to do things differently – AND better! And the video of you bowling? Well, it made me jealous that you have such a freaking hot body and also made me feel better that I bowl just like you LOL!

  8. cmk says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! To think I could win such an award during the playoffs cracked me up. (You know me and hockey–I live under a perpetual cloud of pessimistic gloom and doom. :D) But then you pointed out the Police Logs, so I understood completely. I defy ANYONE to read the Police Logs and NOT LOL–or, at the least, smile a little bit. πŸ˜‰ I'm happy to spread a little sunshine!

    Love you, sweetie–and I will get in touch as soon as the Wings are done for the year. πŸ˜€ xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  9. Jules says:

    NICE!! Congrats on your award!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  10. territerri says:

    Congratulations! You definitely deserve this award because you ARE like a ray of sunshine with your humor and fun!

  11. Random Chick says:

    Awwww, thanks Sweetie. By the way…are you still working on our book? I'd love to read it if you've made more progress.

    Mine is sloooowly coming along. Slower than usual. Don't you hate that???

  12. RonnieC says:

    WOO! WOO!

    Congratulations on this muchly deserved award!

    You most definately inspire us all with your positivity and creativity! You ROCK, girl!

    And a BIG congrats to all your recipients!

    Have a great weekend, my dear friend!

  13. Nicky says:

    MELEAAAAAH!!!! You awesome, lovely, adorable, wonderful girl!! *kiss kiss kiss* I am so TOTALLY in love with you too! Thank you sooooo much! *more slurpy kisses* Did I mention how awesome you are? It doesn't surprise me that you got this award – you are indeed a ray of sunshine! Congratulations sweet thing, and thanks again. I have to go now, I have to go dance around my living room while singing “I love Meleah and Meleah loves meeeeee…” ?

  14. Congratulations! You deserve it πŸ™‚

  15. Awwwww!!! Thank you!!!!!

  16. You're VERY welcome. And see you after Hockey!

  17. πŸ™‚ Thank you!

  18. Yes, I just started working on my book again and I TOTALLY need YOUR help!

  19. You Rock! OXOXOXOXOXO

  20. Schmoopy, Slurpy Kisses BACK YOU TOO!

  21. mike says:

    Ok, now quit it you two! I'm having trouble concentrating and putting up the sunshiny logo with all this smoochiness going on!

    *cold shower*

    Ok, better. I'll get the log up now. Thanks so much, Meleah! Nicky totally earned it! And 'grats for getting the award yourself!

  22. Selma says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH. If anyone deserves this award it is you. You are the most positive person I know. I hope you know you light up the blogopshere. Yes, you really do!

  23. Aw. Selma! Thank you.

  24. Gina says:

    I posted a BIG HUGE thank you for this award, but it was from my iPhone, so I should have known it didn't work. I'm so ashamed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you, love you, love you. You're the best!

  25. michellegartner says:

    Thank you I did see this before I left on vacation. May tends to be crazy for me- I do appreciate it much though it made me smile.

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