The Seemingly Never Ending Power Outage

After somehow managing to survive a complete power outage, and one that lasted for three consecutive days, it’s fairly safe to say I would never be able to handle living within the ‘Amish Community’.


I had no idea just how much I depended on electricity, until I didn’t have any.

Thankfully, my family members had a much better sense of humor about the whole situation than I did.

So, rather than writing an entire blog post complaining about how miserable I was, or, about how I felt completely lost without the use of a blow dryer and hot rollers, or, how I am incapable of getting ‘Outside Coffee’ unless I’ve already had ‘Inside Coffee’, or, how having OCD and the need to put all of my things exactly in their proper place at all times came in really handy when I had to find my keys in the pitch black, or, how my whole family camped out at our local Country Club known as KHCC in their respective corners and on their respective computers, or, how having hundreds of candles lit sent me into a full blow panic attack because OH MY ZOD ALL THOSE OPEN FLAMES ARE A TOTAL FIRE HAZARD AND EVEN THOUGH I’M SCARED OF THE DARK I AM EVEN MORE SCARED OF BURNING ALIVE.

Instead, I would just like to present some Video Footage.

I think the lyrics my son and my brother wrote in all of Two Minutes properly summarizes our experience.

Obviously this was filmed in the daytime.


About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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76 Responses to The Seemingly Never Ending Power Outage

  1. buggys says:

    Hilarious, I LOVE this! And I'm glad it was you and not me, sorry.

  2. RonnieC says:


    I just wish you could have seen me LAUGHING MY ASS OFF at this video.

    I'm actually still sitting here coughing, I laughed so hard!

    Listen, you're family is FAAAAAAAAAABULOUS! OMG, I want to meet them all because they're just as insane as I am! What fun people they are.

    Your son and brother each deserve an MTV music award for this!!

    I don't know who that was dancing in the background, but please tell him he reminded me of Mikhal Barrishnikov!


    Thanks for sharing such an AWESOME post, girl!

    I know I'll be back to watch it again!


  3. Chuck says:

    I would just say to your musicians…. “Shine on You Crazy Diamond”. Bravo.

    Question, Would you ever have had this without the outage?

  4. The guy dancing in the background is my father! He always cracks me up. My brother and my son had NO IDEA my dad was doing that until AFTER they saw the video! I am SO happy you enjoyed my video as much as I enjoyed yours! Thanks Ronnie C! You're the best! 🙂

  5. Thanks Chuck!
    Please, this moment and this video is the ONLY reason The Nightmare of a Black Out was bearable!

  6. Anne says:

    I couldn't live without power for 3 days. I just wouldn't make it. And my kids would not be singing about it, they would be too busy whining. Your father's dancing was awesome!

  7. I did A LOT of whining! Thankfully my family was in MUCH better spirits than me. I really didn't think I was going to 'make it'. And I can practically assure you that had my power been out for ONE MORE SECOND? I may have totally gone over the edge!

  8. Ms. Freeman says:

    Now that was Uber Fun!!!! Your family is full of some awesome talent-including your ballerina Daddy-o

  9. Jay says:

    I have to say, Meleah, that song was a million, zillion times better and more entertaining than anything Pink Floyd ever wrote! ROFL!!

  10. I will tell him you said so!

  11. cmk says:

    Years ago I used to have an oil lamp that I kept on the dining room table just in case of power outages. And yes, I had need for it a few times. I wonder what I did with it? Hmmm…

    (I laughed when I saw the video. Your family is great.)

  12. My grandfather has some HUGE lantern kind of like that! Im happy you liked
    my family video. They really ARE so much fun!

  13. RonnieC says:

    OMG, Meleah!

    Your family is the BOMB!

    I swear to god, I feel like I know them because they act just like ME!

    And btw, I forgot to say this on my comment, your son and brother are very
    talented. I mean it. You son plays a mean guitar and your brother has a
    great voice.

    The song was flawless!

    One of these days I have to find out from how you added the words to your
    video. I loved the intro!

    Anway, I so enjoyed your post!

    You ROCK!

  14. You are TOTALLY making MY DAY! I will be sure that my brother and my son see
    your comment because I know they will appreciate what you said as much as I

    And from what I saw in YOUR video, you would fit RIGHT IN my family!

  15. Selma says:

    I am standing up and applauding right now. That was fantastic. Loved the dancer in the background. Tell JCH he is a great guitarist and your brother that he has a good set of pipes. Loved it!

  16. I will definitely tell JCH you said he is a great guitarist! Can you believe he hasn't even had ONE lesson? He's been teaching himself EVERYTHING.
    Thanks for watching and LIKING the video! You rock woman. xoxo

  17. Jules says:

    Haha that is hilarious! I'm so glad you posted this video. I love how your dad added some sweet dance moves to it! =)

  18. We were without power a few years ago for three days and wow did I understand what it was like not to have it..and your video is a scream I love those guys…

    Dorothy from grammology

  19. It really is a Total Nightmare to be out of power for THAT long! Happy you liked the movie!

  20. My dad? = Total Comedy ALL THE TIME.

  21. BK says:

    What a fishing hilarious video! LOL! I totally enjoyed the creativity! 🙂

  22. peedee says:

    OKAY Those two are a trip!! Loved the video. I feel your pain…I live in Hurricane country. 4 years ago……ummmm try 2 weeks 3 days NO POWER, translates to 17 days!!!!! I cant even explain the horrors. The kaos that ensued with a half a million people with no power is just stoopid. Imagine NO traffic lights for a month. Clusterf*ck at EVERY light, every day. Oh you've brought back some serious ptsd memories girl. lol

  23. OMG. I would have DIED. Seriously. Died.
    I cannot even BEGIN to imagine what 17 days of that kind of crazy would be
    like. Sorry for giving you 'flashbacks' ahahahahhahaha
    But, at least you liked the video.

  24. peedee says:

    yeah, I'd was reading your FB updates and just shaking my head lol. I can say what I've learned is IF there is a next time…my but is going north until I find a hotel with power. I'm hoping its at least to Disney! 😉

  25. HA HA HA! That is genius stuff, I knew you would get something funny from disaster! The Tony Bennet twirls were the icing on the cake! Thanks for posting this, it truly cracked me up!

  26. Seriously. You just can't stay in a power outage for any longer than Three
    Days. And I will attest to that!

  27. YAY! My father will be happy to know that people loved his dancing!

  28. agg79 says:

    Totally freakin hilarious! I love the way they caputured Meleah's lament. 3 days w/o power sucks. Especially when it is cold up there. I'm sure you revered to Cavewoman mode. Glad your family was able to keep their sense of humor in this dark situation. Board games – lots of board games. (BTW, you get extra points for obscene words in scrabble).

  29. Omyword! says:

    Oh. My. Zod. (new word stolen from Mel) Your Dad is a riot. And the song is just grand. I see a future for the brother/nephew duo. Bright lights… oh, never mind!

  30. Too funny!!! And who was that hot and sexy dancer in the background? Made me crack up!

    People often are forced to get creative just to survive under “extreme” conditions. And you are a perfect example! Fun way to start my morning!

  31. Three days is way too long. I'm glad you guys had such a great sense of humor!

  32. OMG. We Love Scrabble! But we only play THEME scrabble! Im glad you liked the video. My bother definitely captured my angst!

  33. Ahahahah. I love you Lisa! xoxoxo

  34. The Hot Sexy Dancer in sweat pants was my FATHER! 🙂

  35. sauerkraut says:

    I've done the 3 days without power thing… fortunately, it was in the summer. Not sure what I'd do in the winter.

  36. Well being that it was DARK at 530 made the nights pretty difficult to withstand!

  37. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen! Was that your dad dancing in the background? I'm crying right now.

  38. Lynda L says:

    That was hysterical! And how I can empathize!

    And, besides the others, a day without Photoshop is REALLY a day in the dark….

  39. Yep. That's my dad!

  40. Is that brother of your single?

  41. Jayne says:

    I want to come live at your house. Power or not, you guys know how to have a good time. And who would have thought Pink Floyd could work so well without benefit of a joint being passed around?

  42. YES!

    He is NEWLY single and FINALLY getting a divorce.

    Poor thing has been suffering from 'Stockholm Syndrome' while being held as
    a 'Hostage' for the last SEVEN YEARS.


  43. Ahahahaahhahahahahhahah

    Yeah we are a Drug Free environment.
    BUT, we still know how to have a good time.
    Even IN THE DARK!


  44. mike says:

    Oh god, that was hilarious! I love the freakout at the end!

  45. moooooog35 says:

    I like the part where the midget comes in dancing in the bikini.

    I didn't watch the video.

    I'm so sorry.

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