someone got a haircut

I think maybe because I have been going through so many changes lately: new website, new web browser, new writing jobs, new clothes, and taking chances I wouldn’t have done a year ago myself, my son agreed to a little change as well. Or, maybe it’s because I went all Dr. Cox on him, and kept calling him by girl names.

While I am all for “free will” and “self-expression,” (as long at it wasn’t a tattoo or piercing) I really did miss my son who seemed to be hiding out underneath all that hair! My boy was hiding under some raggedy locks, and no matter how many times we washed his hair it just remained looking like a dirty, wanna be hippy, Beatles crazed fan.

Now with his fresh clean cut, he looks so… grown up… to me all of a sudden. He looks like a young (dare I say) man!

For some odd reason all I can hear is this Justin Timberlake song playing in my head…“bringing sexy back…”

( …and to JCH being so brave, and for any other starwars / vader fans, Leslie brings us THIS …)

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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8 Responses to someone got a haircut

  1. Yes! I have my grandson back!

  2. Francisco V says:

    To JCH:

    DUDE!!!!! what have you done??? do you know how many little dudes would love to have long hair as if we lived in the 70’s??????
    Even John Lennon is looking at you with a sad face, man you have changed, from a long hair young man to a 100% little MAN!!!
    Congrats JCH, at least you will spend less time washing that hair of yours.

    And as for you, Young Meleah, high 5^’s.

    have a great day!!!


  3. Meleah says:

    there is nothing “little” about THIS man anymore.

  4. Olly says:


  5. Meleah says:

    yes, he certainly is…

  6. JENNIFER says:


  7. leslie says:

    I am cracking my ass UP over here. YOU called someone a hippy? YOU?? Am I going to have to post pictures of you at a certain age?? Hee. Cuz I have them. You know I do.

    In all seriousness, your son looks nice with his new haircut. 🙂

  8. Meleah says:

    ha ha ha , yes Lesie! you do have those pictures of me! dont you! jesus, I was what… 12? 13?

    I’m just glad my son looks all handsome again!

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