disregard the post below…

Please? disregard the post below…I realized I’m an idiot! Thanks DRAMA DIVA for the compliment…in the comments section! I will not be posting a new somethin’ somthin’ this evening as I will be memorized by television. Two of the best shows in the same night! HOUSE and AMERICAN IDOL! I live for Tuesdays! And yes, during the commercials I will be a movie-making-fiend.

OH! ALRIGHT… I can’t…. NOT POST… here, chew on this…

Remember ? this ?…. THE GEEK SQUAD

I thought I was bad; I really did, when it came to computers.

I thought I was bad…until, now…I was chatting with my girlfriend Patty (who is a ‘real life’ friend that reads my blog all the time and never comments and never even sends me an email to use as a comment…bee-atch). We were talking about life, her new fantastic man, and my blog. Patty, god bless her heart and soul, I could not love her more than I already do, but, she is the least computer literate person ALIVE.

Picture this… Patty, in her new apartment, on her new computer, in front of her new man, reading my blog… in fact she was reading THE GEEK SQUAD entry. When she saw the “FAKE / FUNNY ERROR” messages, Patty thought she was getting REAL ERROR messages on her computer. She had an internal panic attack, because something ? was WRONG with her computer? Rather than asking the super computer knowledgeable fantastic new man in the living room with her, what ? might be ? the problem ? She went ahead and started unplugging the wires from her keyboard, her mouse, and her monitor. But the “error messages” wouldn’t go away…(being fake and part of my posted entry and all…)

That’s when new fantastic man decided to see what the hell Patty was doing over there. Why ? was she fussing do much with all the wires? What ? is wrong?

“Can I help you?” Says, totally unsuspecting new fantastic man

“Yes? Please?” Says, a desperate Patty… “I am trying to read Meleah’s blog, but, there’s something wrong? why ? are there all these ERROR messages? I don’t understand. I can’t fix it?”

He looks at the screen, he reads the error message(s), he laughs to himself, being a polite gentleman, and then asks her to READ THE ERROR message OUTLOUD.

So, she does, “It says, the problem exists between the chair and the computer screen…”

New Fantastic Man says, “Patty, what ? is in-between the CHAIR and the COMPUTER?”

“The Mouse…. but, I unplugged that already, the mouse can’t be the problem, it’s working fine…”

Thankfully, Patty was interrupted by New Fantastic Man

“Patty, what ELSE is in-between the chair and the computer?” while he slowly pointed his finger at the chair first …stopping for a second at her, giving her a HINT , and then pointing at the computer.

“Oh!” (pause)

“It’s me?” (still half sure)

“Wait?” (figuring it out)

“It IS me!” (finally)

“Oh!” … “Oh! My! GOD!” (sheer embarrassment)

“It’s a Joke?” (still half sure)

“It IS a JOKE!” (finally)

Needless to say they laughed a good 15 minutes after that.

I love you Patty! I didn’t post any “error messages” on this entry to save you from any further confusion, complications and/or embarrassing moments!

This entry was posted in TV and Movies. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to disregard the post below…

  1. Anonymous says:

    well sweetie…could i go without a comment.. I will also be in front of the TV..for me it is NCIS and HOUSE of course…I did get a kick out of Patty….and I thought they were all at my company. I have used that expression “problem between the seat and the keyboard” so many times. Well hope you enjoy your night.. love you. xoxoxoxoxo BFNC

  2. meleah rebeccah says:

    dood, patty is hysterical….

    love that we will both be watching HOUSE tonight

    miss you

    see you soon?

  3. Harry says:

    btw most girls just refer to me as super man. I may be related to fantastic man though!



  4. meleah rebeccah says:

    OMG…. Harry!

    That was a GREAT comment!

    You rule!!

    So? What’s so “SUPER?” about your man-ness?

    ….other than being a single dad and hero to two kids, a 5 job holding worker bee, who sucessfully quit smoking, and makes time for my blog… Oh wait… I just answered MY OWN question…


    “new fantastic man” doesn’t even come close in comparison to you my friend!!


    Hahaaha evrytime is like the first time with this one.
    I love Patty, and she looks fabulous by the way.

    Love the blog Meleah This one was great!

  6. meleah rebeccah says:

    Thanks Jen!

    Yeah! right? Patty!

    How? cute!

    She is a HEAD TURNER now..

    and she has a FANTASTIC NEW MAN

  7. Oh yeah, it's Mr. Francisco to you says:

    well, I just read your latest post about patty and her “blonde” moment! and I thought I have seen it all in the virtual world, your latest blog is the icing of the cake! OMG Meleah, I couldn’t stop laughing, I’ve never heard of anyone who has gone through what Patty has. Bless her soul for having a “moment” and live to tell about it. Thanks for the blog. Meleah…Later on I have to tell you about my korean dinner I had earlier today!

  8. Drama Div@ says:

    Rolling on da floor laughing hysterically out loud. pity her, but at least she got to know the new fantastic man.. woohooo

    over here in M’sia.. every tuesday nite.. i’ll try to be infront of the tv as soon as I can.. for ugly betty and DH (season 3 – just started showing here.. so slow, rite.. but what to do….

    you, have a fantastic Valentine’s day okay…..

  9. meleah rebeccah says:



  10. meleah rebeccah says:





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