NaBloPoMo | Day 22: Happy Thanksgiving

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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26 Responses to NaBloPoMo | Day 22: Happy Thanksgiving

  1. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Melee. I hope you have a great “away game”.

  2. Rock Chef says:

    It is just another day over here in England, but I hope that you have a great time.

  3. Lucy says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. agg79 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have great time with the family and don’t overdose on turkey.

  5. Lolz.

    I hope you have a fabulous day too.


  6. Holla!

    And don’t worry. I wont.

    I’m allergic to whatever it’s been basting in.

    My dad is going to make something edible for me, like shrimp.

  7. agg79 says:

    I was wondering if turkey and dressing were on your “allowable” menu. Glad to hear you are not getting left out.

  8. Robert Garrard says:

    Best wishes to you and your family, Meleah.

  9. Allyson says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! (Can your dad use toothpicks to make the shrimp LOOK like a turkey?) I think I’m going to practice that at La Vigilia this year. I’ll send pictures if it comes out right.

  10. shadowrun300 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Shrimp’s not such a bad substitute for turkey. I’m most concerned about what desserts you’re allowed to have. I could pass on the main dishes and just eat pie. 🙂

  11. Abby Heugel says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, my friend!

  12. Selma says:


  13. I hope your Thanksgiving has been WONDERFUL. And that you were able to eat good stuff that you aren’t allergic to! XXXOOO!

  14. Nicky says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, sweet thing! Seems I’ve got a lot of catching up to do around here! 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday with your family. XOXOXOXOX

  15. I had coffee ice cream. That’s the only dessert I wasn’t allergic too.

  16. NICKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. territerri says:

    Happy Belated Thanksgiving, Meleah!

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