My Daddy and The Parking Space

I absolutely love my father. And, I truly love to share stories about him with you fine people. As luck would have it, I have yet another tale from the ‘Daddy Chronicles.’

First, you should know that we don’t have very many parking spaces in our complex. And none of them are assigned parking spaces. They get taken on a first come, first serve basis. Most of the time, if you can’t find an actual space, you can still park within the circle. Except for when it’s ‘Garbage Night’. Then you cannot park your car inside the confines of the cul de sac, because the trucks can’t fit past the cars, so they won’t pick up your trash. And if the trash doesn’t get picked up? The whole neighborhood turns into angry, vocal opponents, serving dire consequences upon the person who parked irresponsibly. Therefore it’s best to park somewhere out on the street. Everyone who lives here is fully aware of the parking situation. And everyone parks accordingly. Usually.

You should also probably know that my father thinks it’s terribly rude and horribly selfish for one person to keep the same car, in the same spot, without moving it, for three weeks, in a row. Especially when the owner of said vehicle has no use for the car, and there are so few spaces.

So what did my father do?

He wrote a note.


I don’t know what was funnier to me. The fact that my father had been pulling an unauthorized ‘Neighborhood Watch’ counting the days, just to see how long that car was parked there. Or, the fact that my father was snubbed, when the owner of said vehicle retuned the note, put it on our own front door, and didn’t move his car.  Either way, when I realized what was going on, I busted into a hysterical fit of laughter.

I couldn’t wait for my dad to come home, dying with anticipation to find out what his reaction would be. He does not take being ignored, lightly. So when I saw my father’s car pull up, I squealed with delight. I held his rejected note in my hand, laughing. But he didn’t get out of the car. For ten minutes. I couldn’t figure out what he was doing. Or why he was sitting there for so long.

Apparently, my father had immediately noticed the car he complained about still hadn’t been moved. Because when he finally got out of his vehicle, he was wielding ANOTHER NOTE in his hand.



[Side bar: I think it’s totally-super-hilarious that my father went from casually calling him Jeff, to referring to him as Mr. Katz in the second note.]

Now, it’s not even like my father wants to use the parking space for himself. There’s an older lady on our block that works late. And he thinks she should at least have chance to use that space a few nights a week. He felt so badly for her when he saw her forced to park far away, out on the street, in the dark. Full-well knowing there was a perfectly good spot, right by her house, being hijacked by a Pig Parker.



Later that evening, the doorbell rang. Low and behold, it was the Pig Parker himself. Once again, my father quickly channeled his inner ‘Larry David’ and the two of them stood in the street, holding a heated debate on whether or not, the Pig Parker should move his car.

I sincerely tried eavesdropping on the conversation. Sadly, to no avail.

However, I’d like to imagine it went a little something like this… [of course, my dad would be Larry].

Anyway…. whatever was actually said, my father must have been very convincing.

Because the car has since been moved!

And maybe, in the future, I should give this card to my father – to put on people’s cars:



That’s My Daddy.


* So let me ask you a question. Do you think the guy in my neighborhood should have moved his car? Or do you think he has the right to keep hogging that space all to himself?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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80 Responses to My Daddy and The Parking Space

  1. Anonymous says:

    Move the car, move the car!!!   I’ve been known to leave a few notes myself.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Move the car, move the car!!!   I’ve been known to leave a few notes myself.

  3. The neighbor knows ONLY Ron would write a note like that!
    And, you know ALL about Ron’s FAMOUS letters!!

  4. I have been thinking about compiling all of My Daddy Stories and possibly doing something along those lines!

  5. YAY!
    My father will be THRILLED to hear THAT!

  6. Carla says:

    I don’t have a dad… Think yours will adopt me? I think he’s awesome!! Have you ever watched That 70’s Show?! He’s just like ‘Red’!! lol! God love him! 🙂

  7. Roshan says:

    Hahaha – your dad is the greatest. He should be given an award. People are rude and inconsiderate and it’s men like ur dad that make some changes happen. Go Tony Bennett.

  8. Mike says:

    Hilarious! Every story I read about your dad re-affirms that he’s totally morphing into Larry David.

  9. Anonymous says:

    i knew when i saw your dad holding the two pieces of paper – came here via flickr – it was going to be a good story. and you didn’t disappoint.  your father is sooo funny and i think of him every time i get in the express line at the supermarket. i count my items.

  10. Jayne says:

    Good for Dad!  The guy was an asshole.   LOVE that card.

  11. My father is more like Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm.
    And yes, we will adopt you!

  12. Ahahhaha! Thanks Val.
    Yanno, one of these days, you need to meet him!

  13. Momo Fali says:

    He is awesome! (And, you totally need to get him some of those business cards for next time.)

  14. Momo Fali says:

    He is awesome! (And, you totally need to get him some of those business cards for next time.)

  15. Anonymous says:

    What a great story.  Love the notes!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Great story!

  17. territerri says:

    Mr. Katz, Jeff, Pig Parker should have moved his car. Why do people have such a sense of entitlement? Seriously! Does it really not bother his conscience to know that his female neighbor, who works late, has to put herself in an unsafe situation to get to her home just because he feels he has the right to monopolize one of the limited parking spaces??? UGH, I’m getting angry at this guy myself now! I love that your dad wrote these notes and spoke his mind. Good for him!

  18. Thanks, Terri! My father was SOOO pissed!

  19. cardiogirl says:

    I really do have to rent some seasons. My new catchphrase, for the next while, is going to be, “This is chaos. Society can’t function like this.”

    Just tried that out on my kids who were (are) running crazy around the house and you know what they did? They all laughed.

  20. Oh, Kelly!

    Your kids are supposed to do that!

    And, I have been saying “This is chaos. Society can’t function like this.” for weeks now!
    At least I’m not alone anymore.

  21. Mike says:

    Your dad is hilarious.  I knew as soon as I read the title of this post that it was going to be good.  Tell him, “way to go,” for me.  🙂

  22. Pingback:   Happy Father’s Day – 2012 — Momma Mia, Mea Culpa

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