Whut?Mystery Science Theater 3000 is returning?

Can I get a “Hell Yeah!” or a “Zoom Zoom Zoom!”

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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6 Responses to MST3K

  1. I’m happy to hear this as it’s exhausting to do all the smart *ss remarks yourself.

  2. Meleah says:

    I know right! The goal is to have voice over for EVERY movie EVER made. Its live SNARK. Ha!

  3. HollyGL says:

    Hey, Mereb, whatever happened to Joel? Remember him? He was there before Mike.

  4. Meleah says:

    OMG! Yes… we have to GOOGLE that and research!

  5. Olly, says:


  6. Jodi says:

    oooooooooooooooooo…Hells YEah!

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