I am blaming El Nino, FOR ANOTHER FLAT TIRE

….G-d damn-it! Sh*t….. F*UCK! Why? Sh*t, Sh*t, SH*T!

Great… I will be late… AGAIN

For the 2nd day IN.A.ROW.

Way to earn those “brownie points” I so desperatly need….

Now for the even harder part..

Must call in to advise my current status,

Once more, I will FAIL to make it on time….

While waiting around for the repair service …. there was a lot of repetetive actions taken by me, as if moving faster, or checking on things more often would some how speed the waiting process. At least I didn’t get some bullshit response from the automated road side assistance operators like “Thanks for your request, help is on the way, your window of time is from 9am-12pm.” …. But, there was alot of pacing, checking my cell phone, checking my house phone, biting off all my nails, looking out windows, pacing…called mom, called dad, pacing, checked cell phone, checked house phone, no nails left to bite, looking out windows…pacing…

Longest and slowest 45 minutes later…. HELLO!!! Thank you! Thank you! Road side assistance! Thank You! Hyundai! (paying that extra money for those little warranty things… was a good idea)

This is the stuff that was in the trunk of my car… all the crap I had to remove so I could find the donut tire buried inside the secret floor of the trunk (Well, really so the road assistance guy could get the tire…) But, Why? Do I have a sleeping bag? I have never been camping, nor do I ever plan to, nor am 13yrs old or, going on a sleep over….

Let the professional tire change begin…..

OKAY, great, bad tire in trunk, donut on car… Let’ s go….ALL PAID FOR

I’m leaving NOW…. But, I was supposed to be there… BY 830
… …damn it!

Oh… here’s an inconsequential fact, normally, I drive somewhere between 85-95 MPH, constant motion, bobbing and weaving, changing lanes, seeing three and four moves ahead… I have even been known to use the shoulder from time to time….Of course, only on the NJTPK and only when extreme circumstances apply, really. swear. But, when you are sporting a donut as a rear tire… options are rather limited. I was confined to the right lane for the duration of my drive and…. at the speed of:

50! In a 65 MPH zone. Yup! I was THAT driver. “THAT DRIVER” which I would have been screaming at, if I was behind my own self today. I wished I had a sign I could have posted on the rear wiindow…. “Sorry, I have a really bad tire and I can not drive the speedlimit. I normally dont drive like this…. please go around…and please don’t honk angrily at me.”

(But… did you notice? at least I have a FULL tank of gas now!)

Alas, There is good news! at least I know now, that at 9am, there is NO TRAFFIC!!

Everyone else in the world must have been ON time….

The lack of people, cars and congestion, would have, made for the perfect way to make up some of the time I was so far behind…However, since I was driving with one tire from a big wheel, (only not as sturdy) The turnpike ride was more like a Total lost opportunity… WIDE OPEN HIGHWAY… and I couldn’t even unleash my mad.crazy.speeding.skills… grr

Finally, arrived at….. 9:43

Thats nice….Only 1 hour and 12 minutes late…. I think that’s my new record for all time tardiness.

Yup! Yet another great start to my day.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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5 Responses to I am blaming El Nino, FOR ANOTHER FLAT TIRE

  1. Anonymous says:


    Ah! The Chronicles of Crappiness!! ….Your Luck is Quite Crappy Slappy…I hope your weekend settles down a bit for ya?

  2. meleah rebeccah says:

    my weekend HAS to be BETTER than my week….sigh…

    Im stuck with the DONUT and 50 MPH until MONDAY. My dad doesn’t want to fix the tire at all… he figures it will keep me out of the speeding ticket trouble I am always having.

    I/m glad I can make you guys laugh!


    Hoping someones weekend settles down a bit for them, isnt a question.

  4. Anonymous says:

    it’s all in the telling of the story! A flat tire can be deadly dull – not the way you tell it and the pix!!


  5. Anonymous says:

    Is that Blue elantra your car???? if it is OMGGGGGGGGGGG we both drive the same car. I have a 2001 Elantra deep blue 4 door 5 speed manual !!!

    How sweeeeeetttttttttttt!!!!

    Well you might not have that car now but Im happy to know we have something in common 🙂


    P.S. I hope you are feeling better!


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