Have You Seen Me, Lately?

Remember when I could write about anything, whether it was something as light and trivial as Traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike, or what happens when you accidentally run out of toilet paper?

And remember how I used to be able to tackle serious subjects regarding: Women’s Issues, coping with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, and how I managed to Find The Funny While Living Auto Immune Diseases?

Remember when I used to write hilarious stories about My Father and how I used to work so hard all night, every night, while writing my novel?


Me too.

And, I really miss those days.

A lot.


It seems as though my muse has up and left without so much as a goodbye letter.


Missing Muse - Milk Carton- MOMMA MIA MEA CULPA


But you know what I miss even more?

I really miss the blogging community and interacting with all of you.

So while I am busy trying to get back into my writing groove, I will also be reading, commenting, tweeting, and catching up with all of your blogs.

In fact, I’m probably leaving you a comment right now.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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82 Responses to Have You Seen Me, Lately?

  1. Rock Chef says:

    Good to see you! I almost posted a comment earlier today asking how you are!
    Looking forward to your comments!

  2. I’ve been rather depressed and when that happens I tend to withdraw from socializing. I don’t like to bring down other people. I’d rather spread light & love!

  3. cardiogirl says:

    I need a picture of my blog on a milk box, too. It’s hard to hop back on the blogging horse, but I’m right there with you trying to make it happen.

  4. It’s very frustrating! But, I am hoping I will find some inspiration and motivation from all of you!

  5. Rock Chef says:

    But I find that is when bloggers are at their best – they are good at kicking you in the ass and making you see that things aren’t really that bad afterall!

  6. Abby Heugel says:

    You DID just leave a comment on my blog, so thank you for that πŸ™‚ I do miss your writing as well, but I also love that I can stalk you on Facebook. While I don’t always comment (I fear being annoying) you crack me up. But I totally get the blog blahs, as I have them myself. When I get in my funks (when am I not in a funk?) all I write sounds whiny and I keep it to myself. I like to keep the blog lighter, but I also know if I need support, you great readers are there. My point? Don’t force it, but don’t feel like you have to be all sunshine and rainbows. We’ll love you any way that you are πŸ˜‰

  7. K. Wright says:

    I think you’ve had a bit to deal with, you think? Just a tad. Sometimes we just need to take a break. I keep saying I’ll just write something simple — post a photo with a few thoughts. And then I don’t. Do you ever feel that sometimes there are just so many things to be said, you can’t possibly keep up with them to sort them out, let alone choose one to sit and write about.

  8. Ron says:

    Meleah, you have been SO on my mind the past couple of weeks because I have been SO missing you, girl!

    I was so excited to see that you had posted today, so I had to pop over immediately!

    LOVE the milk carton. You CRACK ME UP!

    ((((((( You ))))))

    X ya!

  9. Hey Ron!! I miss you so much too. I’ve been in a funk and kind of hiding out for the past few weeks waiting around to feel better before I posted again. And while I am still not 100% I can’t stand being away from my blogging buddies anymore!

  10. Lucy says:

    I understand and I think some of it has to do with what you are going through. You are trying so hard to stay above the water and I get that but sometimes you have to allow yourself the moments of being a little down, that is ok. You will get there and hey, in the meantime, you have Facebook and ‘Mad Men’ (holler, or Groovy (wait that is 70’s what is 60’s?) and Spring/Summer is on the way AND of course you are always welcome to comment away on my blog. Oh, and as usual you rocked this post with “I have writer’s bock” and yet you banged out a post! I do love the Milk Carton, you just make me laugh πŸ™‚

  11. That’s exactly what I’ve been dealing with, the NOT wanting to sound all whiny and pity-party, and sorry for myself! But, I think staying away from blogging has made me even MORE depressed! So I’m making my way back!


  12. Ron says:

    I TOTALLY understand, Meleah.

    I’m just so happy to see that you posted today. Just take your time coming back because we will ALWAYS be here for your whenever you post!

    ((((( You )))))


  13. Awwwwww. Thank you, Lucy! XOXOXOX

  14. You’re the best!! I have SO MANY blogs to catch up with, it’s probably going to take a week! But at least I’m trying again. And that alone makes me feel just the tiniest bit better!

  15. Sue says:

    This was great, and everything in its time my wonderful friend. Your muse will return when he/she’s damn good and ready, in true Meleah fashion. In the meantime, this post made me laugh, I love the visuals, and just the fact that you’re always willing to share whatever it is that you’re going through. xxxooo

  16. shadowrun300 says:

    So good to hear from you Meleah! I stopped by your facebook page a week or so ago, and saw that you’ve been dealing with some more issues. I totally understand what it’s like to be in a depressed funk and not want to socialize with anyone, but we are here for you! Blogging is great therapy! And never worry about whining through your posts. Even your whining posts are quite hilarious and bring joy to your readers!
    Sending lots of hugs your way!

  17. Lauren says:

    Welcome back!!!!! There must be something in the air because I haven’t been able to crank out a blog post like I used to. Don’t feel bad. And don’t beat yourself up about it. Beat up the computer!

  18. Awww! Thank you, Lauren! it definitely MUST BE something in the air!

  19. You’re the best! Thank you for making me feel better!

  20. Cheryl P. says:

    Oh, it’s so nice to see your blog come up in my reader!!! I’ve missed you. As for your muse, the last time I saw it, it was hanging out in a bar with my muse and they were sloppy drunk. I am sure we will see them when they sober up.
    Still…it’s nice to keep up with you on FB. I rarely post but it’s always good to see whats going on in your world.

  21. Linda R. says:

    Been missing you!

  22. I miss you too! I’ve spent the past 6 hours reading/commenting/catching up – but I am not even HALF WAY through! I’ll get to your blog soon!

  23. Bahahahha! My muse totally LOVES getting drunk with your muse! And I miss you like crazy Cheryl! I hope to be by your blog sooner than later! I just have so much catching up to do! XOXOXO

  24. Shawn Ohara says:

    I think my message was deleted, or I am writing this twice… I was wondering where you were. And why you haven’t visited lately. πŸ™‚

  25. Jayne says:

    Something we can all relate, my friend. If you could be any character on “Mad Men” — man or woman — who would you be and why? Go! πŸ™‚

  26. territerri says:

    It’s hard to get back into the swing of it after an extended absence. I usually find that writing something… anything … is the only way to start. You’ve started! And you’ll be back to regular blogging in no time. Welcome back! You were missed!

  27. Thank you, Terri! I am totally out of practice! Here’s hoping I will get back into the zone sooner than later!


    She’s my absolute favorite!!


  29. I’m slowly making my way back to the land of blogging! I’ll be stopping by your blog soon!

  30. Jayne says:

    So write a post about why you’d want to be Joan Harris. πŸ™‚

  31. And this is just ONE of the MANY reasons – I think you’re a genius!

  32. agg79 says:

    I agree with Terri – Go MIA for a few weeks and it is hard to start up again. First you want to say something, anything. Then you want to apologize or explain. Then you don’t know what to post. Viscous circle. Been there. Done that. Even if you don’t feel like you can write anything meaningful or intelligent, throw something up there and see what sticks. Besides, I am pretty sure anything that Mel posts will be a hit. Look at how many comments you got so far with a short post about your missing muse.

    And don’t worry, your muse will show up eventually. Probably drunk, hungover and sporting a new tattoo.

  33. HumorSmith says:

    Good to see you hitting your keyboard again baby! It happens to all of us but once you get the hard part of just writing something, anything, out of the way it gets easier.

  34. Small Town Mommy says:

    I have missed you although I have been stalking you on Facebook so it hasn’t been complete withdrawal. I figured you just got busy.

  35. I’ve been kind of sad lately, and I tend to withdraw from socializing when that happens. But I coming out of my funk and rejoining the world! I’ve missed you all way too much!

  36. “And don’t worry, your muse will show up eventually. Probably drunk, hungover and sporting a new tattoo.” BAhahahahahahahah!

  37. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Just consider it your muse’s non-winter hiatus. Once things warm up, I’m sure you will too. And I agree with you, Jayne is a genius, go for it!

  38. Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo says:

    and here I was feeling all special and shit.

    Don’t go looking for the muse. They are always hiding. Wait for them to come to you. x

  39. You’ll be back soon with another hilarious post! Your brain is just re-charging! Thanks for the nice comments at my blog and your retweets!

  40. You’re very welcome!

  41. Star Traci says:

    Here’s hoping you find that skamp of a muse. I have struggled with her myself as of late. I love your look at the world and can’t wait to hear more. “til then, you’re always welcome at my place!

  42. Nicky says:

    And we really miss you too, sweet thing. But I know what you mean. I’ve been struggling a lot myself. Maybe our muses went off to get drunk together? Maybe we should join them… if we ever find them, that is πŸ™‚

  43. Jen says:

    Miss you too! I’ve been so busy working on my little business that I haven’t been around all that much. I’m trying to catch up a bit. Working on another new post. Will get it out this weekend. Should be a good one.

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