Happy Mothers Day


As I am wishing every Mother a wonderful day, I would like to wish ONE MOM in particular an extra special mothers day.

And person, is MY MOTHER.

Dear Mom,

I am writing you this letter to express to you just how much I admire, respect, and look up to you.

If I could be anyone in the world, famous, rich, dead or alive, I would want to be you. I can’t wait for the day for someone to say to me, “You are just like your mother.”

I hear women always complaining about their mothers, and doing everything to avoid growing up to be like their mothers…not me.

First of all, your grace and style are second to none. Your loving and giving nature which is such a natural part of your character make-up, is inspiring. Your spirituality has given me faith when I had none, and has helped me grow once I found a sense of faith.

You have made the ultimate sacrifices for your children. You have defended and protected me when I was most desperate. You let me go, and make my own mistakes, only praying with extreme heartache that the outcome would be successful.

The emotional pain of raising 2 children on your own, having 4 kids at one time, step kids, divorces, ex-husbands, household moves, boarding schools, runaway children, addiction, alcoholism, Alzheimers, old age, deaths, pregnancies, births, marriages, life on lifes terms. Heartbreak and joy… and all while looking fantastic!

You have rolled the dice and taken your chances with me time and time again, without ever taking away your love from me.

You have taken care of my son, like no other grandmother I know. You have taken him into your heart, and you have HEALED my son’s scars. You undid damage inside of him I thought would never go away. You let my son be a kid. You taught him that it was safe, you gave him an adult he could trust, when he had no one else in the world to turn to.

No matter what emotional pain you suffered from decisions you had to make regarding your daughter, you made those decisions based only on what was best for ME, never what would be easier for YOU.

I can only HOPE that one day I will be able to do that for my son.

I respect you more than you can EVER know. I admire you in ways I don’t know how to express. I love you more than the whole sky!!

I am PROUD to have you as my mother. I am LUCKY to have you as my mother. I am GRATEFUL to have you as my mother.

I love the way our relationship has evolved over these past few years.

From rock bottom, to now, the ride has been long, difficult, and hard work, but worth every single step.

I love that I trust you. I love that I can tell you virtually everything, with safety, honesty, and sometimes I’m even OPEN to advice!

I love that we can TALK everything through to the other side of the problems, and get to our solutions. Solutions that work for BOTH of us. I love that we don’t STAY in the problem.

I love that after one of those talks, we walk away with a stronger relationship, a better understanding of each others feelings, and needs, and a genuine attempt to work and change whatever is upsetting the other party.

I love how we laugh together, I love how we cry together, I’m NOT a big of a fan of yelling at each other, which is something that we have not done in a long time!!!!

I love knowing without a shadow of doubt in my mind that my mothers allegiance is to ME.

Without you, without your love, without your faith, I have no idea where I would be today.

I love you Mommy.


xoxoxoxoxox Meleah xooxoxoxoxo

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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27 Responses to Happy Mothers Day

  1. Lance says:

    What a sweet and beautiful letter to your mother. I can tell very much the love you have for her. Thank you for sharing this, for opening up your heart and letting this out – it shows truly the beautiful soul that YOU are.

    And to you, Meleah, know that you are a wonderful mother as well. Today is a day to celebrate that. More than that, though, parenting is a job that never ends – and you are doing a marvelous job. You rock!!!

  2. luragano says:

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That is beautiful. Happy Mother’s Day to you both…..oh and let’s not forget Evelyn! She might come and kick my ass if I don’t

  3. agg79 says:

    Beautiful. Your words express your true feelings for your mom.
    Happy Mother’s Day!

  4. Meleah says:

    You are so kind! Thank you for that awesome comment.

    Thank God EV does not have a computer or she’d kick my ass too!

    Cute Ella:
    Thank you!
    You’re the best!

    Thank you!

  5. terri says:

    Your mom sounds like an angel. I can only hope that my kids will one day say that they love me the way you love your mom. This was the most beautiful post for Mothers Day!

  6. That is a wonderful letter – Your Mom is blessed as well to have you as a daughter!! I wish I had a relationship with my Mom like the one you have with yours – It is wonderful how much you adore and respect her!

  7. Meleah says:

    I KNOW your kids feel the same way about you. You are a totally super awesome MOM!

    I hope you are having a wonderful Mothers Day

    Cathy WMDA:

    I do feel very lucky to have such a great relationship with my mom, but we have had to work VERY hard to get here!

  8. cmk says:

    How very lucky you are to have such a wonderful relationship with your mother. I am jealous! 🙂

  9. Meleah says:

    Awww. Thank you!


    Dont Be! It took a LONG time for us to get HERE!

  10. Selma says:

    What struck me most about this letter is how you say you don’t stay in the problem. That is so important. You are both so wise, respectful and caring. What a moving, inspiring letter. Happy Mother’s Day to two fantastic ladies!!!

  11. Oscar says:

    Your mom is lucky to have a daughter like you!

    Nice words meleah!

  12. maria says:

    sweet tribute. mothers have tough jobs. HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY! 🙂

  13. WV LeAnn says:

    OMG sounds like me, my mother, and my daughter. Sounds like we both have the best MOTHER in the world!!!!!! By the way Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you Meleah.

  14. Meleah says:

    Thank you Selma.
    And I hope you had a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY too!


    I’m lucky to have a MOM like her.


    Mothers never stop!


    Why thank you, and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU TOO

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  16. kellypea says:

    That was completely lovely, and effectively shames me for not taking the time to do the very same thing for my mother. I made her breakfast though. Does that count? Hope your day was the loveliest ever!

  17. Meleah says:

    That TOAD-ILY counts!

    Happy Mothers Day to YOU!

  18. Yo Momma says:

    no matter how many times you recycle this letter to me, it always makes me smile and reflect on how far we have come together. happy mother’s day to you, too, SP. Love you!

  19. Brianna says:

    This is so beautiful!!!

  20. Meleah says:

    I love you.
    And that’s why I re-posted this letter.
    As a reminder to the both of us.


    Thank you

  21. Ricardo says:

    A bit late but I hope this was a good day for you.

  22. Meleah says:

    Its never too late!

  23. Laurie Joyce says:

    Beautiful Mel and Happy Mothers Day to you too.

  24. Pingback:   Happy 64th Birthday, Mommy! — Momma Mia, Mea Culpa

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