Goodbye, Poppa Sye. Rest In Peace

It is with a very heavy heart I must announce the passing of my beloved grandfather.

Seymour Walter, otherwise known as, Poppa Sye.


I have so many wonderful memories of him and the times we shared together. Whether it was spending the summers with him and Manga in Florida, or getting to be there for him every single day, for the last three years in a row.

And I will cherish those moments, forever.

Like how he used to say:

“One bright day, in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.

Back to back; they faced each other.
Drew their swords and shot each other.

A deaf policeman heard the noise
came and shot those two dead boys.

A blind reporter saw it all,
And wrote the news upon the wall.


“I used to be behind before. But now, I’m first at last.”

*As per ‘Family Tradition’ I’d like to share the following story:

The Waterbug Story

Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of waterbugs. They were a happy colony, living far away from the sun. For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond. They did notice that every once in a while one of their colony seemed to lose interest in going about with its friends. Clinging to the stem of a pond lily, it gradually moved out of sight and was seen no more.

“Look!” said one of the waterbugs to another, one of our colony is climbing up the lily stalk. Where do you think she’s going?” Up, up, up it slowly went. Even as they watched, the waterbug disappeared from sight. It’s friends waited and waited but it didn’t return. “That’s funny!” said one waterbug to another,”Wasn’t she happy here?” asked a second, “Where do you suppose she went?” wondered a third.

No one had an answer. They were greatly puzzled. Finally one of the waterbugs gathered its friends together. “I have an idea. The next one of us who climbs up the lily stalk must promise to come back and tell us where he or she went and why.” “We promise,” they said solemnly.

One spring day not long after the very waterbug who had suggested the plan, found himself climbing up the lily stalk. Up, up, up he went. Before he knew what was happening, he had broken through the surface of the water and had fallen into the broad and free lily pad above. When he awoke, he looked about with surprise. He couldn’t believe what he saw. A startling change had come over his old body. His movement revealed four silver wings and a long tail. Even as he struggled, he felt an impulse to move his wings. The warmth of the sun soon dried the moisture from his new body. He moved his wings again and suddenly found himself above the water. He became a dragonfly.

Swooping and dipping in great curves, he flew through the air. He felt exhilarated in the new atmosphere. By and by the new dragonfly landed happily on a lily pad to rest. That was when he chanced to look below to the bottom of the pond. Why, he was right above his old friends, the waterbugs! There they were scurrying around, just as he had been doing sometime before.

Then the dragonfly remembered the promise. Without thinking, the dragonfly darted down. Suddenly he hit the surface of the water and bounced away. Now that he was a dragonfly, he could no longer go into the water…. “I can’t return” he said in dismay. “At least I tried. But I can’t keep my promise. Even if I could go back, not one of the water bugs would know me in my new body. I guess I’ll just have to wait until they become dragonflies too. Then they’ll understand what has happened to me, and where I went.” And the dragonfly winged off happily into a wonderful new world of sun and air.

Poppa Sye became a dragonfly on December 12, 2011 at 10:40am and I’m so glad. Because now he can soar as high as he wants to, along with his wife Dorothy and still watch us through the pond which separates us. I feel a great peace in knowing that one day we’ll be together on the same lily pad, soaking up the warm rays of the sun.

*Most of you have come to know, and love my Poppa Sye, simply through this blog. You’ve seen his photos and you’ve read his stories. He was an extraordinary man. I am blessed to have had him in my life. I will never forget the life lessons he taught me.

I would like to believe he’s in heaven, dancing once again, with his only True Love.

The following Video Tribute is how I will always remember him….


PS: These are my favorite Poppa Sye blog posts:

Random Acts Of Kindness

My Grandmother Manga, And A True Love Story

Why I’m Definitely Going To “Burn In Hell” – For All Of Eternity

Hurricane Irene and Poppa Sye


I will miss you, Poppa Sye.

I love you.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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117 Responses to Goodbye, Poppa Sye. Rest In Peace

  1. Oh Linda.

    Thank you so much.
    He just passed this morning. You didn’t miss anything.

    And I REALLY wish we lived closer too.
    We could mourn together.
    I am so sorry for YOUR loss.

    Love you, Sis!

  2. Michon Michon says:

    What a beautiful tribute! I’m so sorry about your loss! Thinking of you!!

  3. Really sorry for your loss, Meleah. This was a great tribute to Poppa Sye and he will live forever in your blog. R.I.P. Poppa Sye.

  4. 00dozo says:

    We (me moms and me) are so sorry for this news.  You’ve written a great story and a wonderful tribute to Poppa Sye.  He will be missed and will always be in our hearts and thoughts (but I’ll be looking for a ‘winking’ drangonfly).


  5. kellypea says:

    My very best to you, Meleah, and your family.  It has been wonderful to get to know Poppa Sye over the years through your fabulous story telling.  Sending you warm hugs for your loss. 

  6. Oh Mel, i am just heartbroken for you…… sad. He will be missed by many of us here in cyber land thru your blog as well. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Be good to yourself, so sorry. 

  7. Me too, 00dozo. Me too.

  8. You’re the best, KellyPea.

  9. Thank you, Christine.

    I’m just happy he had a wonderful life.
    And he did not suffer for too long.

  10. I am terribly sorry to hear the news Meleah. Just reading about him in all your postings shows just how much of an amazing man he was. May he rest in peace. My condolences to you and your family. 

  11. Selma says:

    Oh no. I am so sad to hear this. What an amazing man. I cherish the stories you told us about him. He was so loved and so lovable. I feel a genuine grief that he is gone because he was a shining light. All my love to you and your family, Meleah, at this very sad time. Bye Poppa Sye. I loved you. There were times when Meleah’s stories about you really brightened my day. I will miss you xxxxx

  12. Oh, Selma!


    Your comment brought happy tears to my eyes.
    I am so happy your life was touched by Poppa Sye so deeply.


  13. Anonymous says:

    The very first post I read of yours was about your Poppa Sye.  (“Why I am Definitely Going to Burn in Hell”) and I was hooked on your post from that blog on.  I feel like I have come to know your family so well, that I am very saddened to hear he has passed.  I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Mariann says:

    Awwww, that was so beautiful.  I am so sorry to hear of his passing.  I’d type more but I’m crying.  So sorry.

  15. Thank you. Sorry to have made you cry.

  16. Cheryl P. says:

    That was a lovely post, Meleah.  The love within your family is so awesome. Thanks for sharing your stories.

    So sorry for your loss.

  17. territerri says:

    Oh, Meleah! I’m so very sorry. I feel as if I knew Poppa Sye. Your whole family is very generous in letting you share them with us!

    I know this is so hard for all of you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. (Hugs)

  18. Anonymous says:

    So sorry to hear your sad news.. Sounds like he had a rich and full life, and has left wonderful memories behind x

  19. Oh, Meleah. I’m crying for your loss. What a beautiful tribute, in both writing and film. You are so wonderful to make that and I hope everyone who visits in the next few days can see it. Those are great pictures and I loved the sentiment at the end. Hugs from Bethlehem.

  20. cardiogirl says:

    Meleah, what a wonderful tribute to your grandfather — that video was fantastic.

  21. Mike says:

    I’m sorry to read this Meleah. Poppa Sye’s generation was a special breed and we’re kinda blessed just to live alongside them for awhile. The night before my grandmother passed away last year (at 99!), she told the nurse, “I want to fly”. So yeah, maybe there is something to that waterbug story 🙂

  22. Hey, Cheryl!
    I’ve missed you. Nice to see you back here again.


  23. Thank you terri.

    Y’all have been so supportive.
    And that means the world to me & my family.

  24. He sure did, Lady.
    He sure did.

  25. Awwwwwwwwww!!

    Thank you, Kathy.

    I know you can sympathize, especially after recently losing your own father. Mad Love to YOU.


  26. Thanks, Kelly.

    It was sooooooooooooooooooo difficult to put this one together.

    And, when I found the original clip of him speaking, the very one that I used in the end?
    I TOTALLY LOST IT. Lost. It.

    But, I’m happy he’s finally at peace now.
    And, probably dancing with Manga.
    Just like they did – when I lived with them in Florida.

  27. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!



  28. Noemi says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, Mel. May you and your family find peace in these times.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Mel, I am so very sorry for your loss.  I know your heart is breaking, but Poppa Sye was a great man and I’m grateful for you sharing him with the rest of us.  You’ve done a great job of sharing his story so that he will be loved and remembered by all of us.  Thanks and we’re praying for you and your family.  

  30. You’re awesome Agg.
    Thank you.

  31. I am so sorry for your loss.  I know you miss him very much but fortunately you have many wonderful memories of him.

  32. I have indeed gotten to know and love Poppa Sye because of your blog. I am sorry for your loss, but also admire your relationship with him and the joy that you had because of him. May he rest in peace. (((HUGS)))

  33. Ezekiel says:

    My condolences to you and your family. Love the video tribute!

  34. Thanks Anne.
    I’ve been watching a lot of old home movie of him.
    I am lucky to have those.

  35. Abby says:

    I know I’m late to the game and that 1,000 people have commented before me, but my dear, I am so, so sorry for your loss. As someone who is close to her own grandma, my heart hurts for you. However, I hope you can find comfort in your memories, and this post is a fabulous tribute to the man that he was and will forever be in your heart! 

  36. Thank you so much, Abby.


    And, seriously? Thanks for making me laugh. A lot.

  37. Anonymous says:

    hey hon…
    im very sorry to hear about this.  I’ve been wanting to comment all week but dammit i still cant comment here any more while at work..
    im very sorry for your loss… through your posts, your grandpa sounded like a great man.  My gramps was my very best friend in the world…

  38. Thank you, Andrew.


  39. Anonymous says:

    On gossamer wings, your dragonflies soar. They await you with anticipation but with the patience allowed by the knowledge of eternity.

    God bless to you dear one. Tears will fall but your vision remains clear, he remains at your side.


  40. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww……beautiful tribute for a beautiful soul….. i have no other words just (((((hugs)))))) ~xoxo

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