Doing Things Differently™ – My Week In Review [Part Eleven]

[Week 11: April 12th – 18th]

* For those of you who are NEW to ‘Doing Things Differently™’ you can find out HOW and WHY ‘Doing Things Different’ began simply by clicking HERE. *

‘Once Upon A Time’ A Girl Named Meleah wanted to improve the ‘Quality Of Her Life’ so she started ‘Doing Things Differently™’. And then she noticed the ‘Little Changes’ she made every day had a huge impact on her life. And even though Meleah had a few ‘Setbacks’ she kept on forging ‘Ahead’.

After completing ‘The First Four Weeks’ of ‘Doing Things Differently™’ Meleah stepped up her game by taking things to the ‘Next Level’.  She momentarily took a break to ‘Visit With An Old Friend’ but she continued ‘Doing Things Differently™’ even after things became slightly ‘Boring.’

Meleah completed ‘The Second Four Weeks’ of ‘Doing Things Differently™’ but she felt like things were becoming slightly ‘Mundane’. So, she started ‘Doing Things Differently™’ with a little more Intensity.


As most of you already heard, Monday, was also known as ‘Third Day In A Row’ Meleah spent in bed. She was still suffering from what she thought were ‘THE WORST ALLERGIES EVER’. Her eyeballs felt like they were covered in sandpaper. Her nose would not stop running, she couldn’t stop coughing or sneezing. Her throat was sore and her glands were swollen. There was so much fluid trapped in her face, the puffiness underneath her eyes made her look as if she’s been beaten with a bag of rocks. She was extremely weak and utterly exhausted. Therefore, she was unable to put on her ‘Outfit’ and she did not dare to go ‘Outside’ because that’s where all the ‘Blooming Flowers’ and ‘Evil Pollen’ live.

Instead, a ‘Defeated’ Meleah stayed ‘Inside’ and made her ‘Daily Internet Rounds’ by reading/commenting on all of her ‘Favorite Blogs’ while falling in and out of sleep thanks to a self-induced ‘Benadryl/Dimetapp’ haze.

Tuesday, also known as ‘The Fourth Day In A Row’ Meleah spent in bed started off badly. Meleah became ‘Increasingly Agitated’ as the day progressed. She was still unable to breathe. Her head was ‘Sofa King’ congested she thought the pressure might actually cause her brain to ‘Spontaneously Combust’. Meleah was just about ready to climb the walls of her house because hasn’t had this much ‘Down Time’ in what seems like ‘Forever.’ And sitting idle for that long was literally driving her ‘Bat Shit Crazy’.

For a moment she actually considered running up and down the stairs inside her house just to achieve some level of ‘Physical Activity’. But then she realized how much that would irritate all of the ‘Other People’ who live there. Finally, it dawned on Meleah. Even though she could not put on her ‘Outfit’ or go ‘Outside’ she was still able to do 100 ‘Stomach Crunches’ and 50 ‘Push-Ups’ just to ‘Burn Off’ some of her ‘Misplaced Restless Energy’ and without disrupting the entire household.

Meleah would like to ‘Thank’ all of you here on ‘The Internet’ who write wonderful ‘Blogs’ and funny ‘Status Updates’ for keeping her busy and quite entertained for ‘The Duration’ of what seemed like ‘The Longest Day In The History Of The World’ as she made her ‘Daily Internet Rounds’ by reading/commenting on all of her ‘Favorite Blogs’.

Wednesday morning, Meleah had just about enough. There was simply ‘No Way’ she could remain ‘Indoors’ for one more second. Fortunately she had a ‘Doctors Appointment’ wherein she BEGGED anyone who would listen to her ‘Desperate Cries For Help’ to please provide ‘Sweet Relief’ and ‘Right Quick.’

Much to her surprise, the doctor diagnosed Meleah with a ‘Sinus Infection’ AND an ‘Upper Respiratory Infection’ caused by her ‘Severe Allergies’.


When she returned from CVS wielding a ‘Bag Full Of Prescriptions’, Meleah overdosed on ‘Antibiotics’ and ‘Antihistamines’, before putting on her ‘Outfit’ and going ‘Outside’! And that’s precisely when she started ‘Day Fifty-Eight’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D58/DTD]!

Meleah walked around the block SIX TIMES in a row, for the first day, for the eleventh week in a row. And aside from the ‘Excruciating Pain’ caused by ‘Shin Splints’ she was NEVER so happy to exercise in her whole entire life. When she came home, rather than smoking a cigarette, she did 100 ‘Stomach Crunches’ and 50 ‘Push-Ups’ for the second day in a row, for the seventh week in a row.

That afternoon, Meleah made her ‘Daily Internet Rounds’ by reading/commenting on all of her ‘Favorite Blogs’ for the Third Day – In A Row.

That evening Meleah was still in a lot of pain. So, she decided to do a little ‘Research’ to try and figure out how to ‘Prevent’ the ever so agonizing ‘Shin Splints’ from reoccurring. She read about using ‘Insoles’ and/or ‘Orthodics’ to alleviate ‘The Possible Pressure’ stemming from her extremely ‘High Arches’. And she believed using something like that just might do the trick. Considering Meleah didn’t have the ‘Time’ or the ‘Means’ to be ‘Fitted’ for ‘Prescription Orthodics’ she settled on purchasing ‘Gel Inserts’ rather than buying an expensive pair of new sneakers.

‘Day Fifty-Nine’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D59/DTD] otherwise known as Thursday, started at 9am when Meleah received a phone call from one of her ‘Girlfriends’ asking to ‘Join’ her on the walk. And of course Meleah obliged.

Meleah put on her ‘Outfit’ and went ‘Outside’ but she could only walk around the block FIVE times in a row, for the second day in a row, for the eleventh week in a row, with the wonderful company of her friend Tiffany.

Yet once again, even with the use of ‘Gel Insoles’ Meleah felt the same ‘Excruciating Pain’ from ‘Shin Splints’ and Meleah started to worry. But, when she came home, rather than smoking a cigarette, they both did 100 ‘Stomach Crunches’. And then Meleah did 50 ‘Push-Ups’ [alone] for the third day in a row, for the seventh week in a row.

After enjoying a ‘Leisurely Lunch’ at the ‘Country Club’ with her friends Tiffany, Jennifer and baby Mia, Meleah was still ‘Incredibly Uncomfortable’. The pain in her ‘Right Shin’ was much more ‘Intense’ then the pain she felt in her ‘Left Shin’.

Upon further inspection, Meleah noticed ‘Three, Noticeable, Large, Raised, Bumps’ directly ‘Protruding’ from ‘The Right Side’ of her ‘Right Shin’.


As if that wasn’t enough to freak her out, she also discovered another ‘Circular Lump’ almost ‘Free-Floating’ on the ‘Left Side’ of her ‘Right Shin.’

[What the…?]

Needless to say, Meleah became ‘Obsessed’ about figuring out what the f*ck was going on with her body as every conceivable ‘Worst Case Scenario’ played in her mind.

And it was at moment in time when Meleah literally morphed into the character ‘George Costanza’ from the television show Seinfeld.

Is It ‘Meningitis’, ‘Scoliosis’, OMG, Is It ‘Lupus’?”

Meleah stared intensely at the ‘Never Seen Before’ ‘Bulging Swollen Protuberances’ and seriously thought: “What if these are Tumors? Or Blood Clots?”  And “OMFG! What if it’s the ‘Big C’?”

Meleah thoroughly ‘Investigated’ probable ‘Medical Conditions’ which only ‘Made Matters Worse’. After spending ‘Countless Hours’ on ‘WebMD’ and ‘Annoying’ her best friend ‘Amy The Bartender’ with her ‘Outrageous Suspicions’ she asked ‘Facebook’ for some advice.

Everyone told Meleah to ‘Rest’, apply ‘Ice’, and take some ‘Advil’. But of course she didn’t listen to anyone. Meleah thought if she just kept ‘Walking Through The Pain’, it would eventually subside. But she was wrong! Very, very, very, wrong.

Friday, also known as ‘The Day We’ve All Been Waiting For’, or,  ‘Day SIXTY of ‘Doing Things Differently’ [D60/DTD] started at 10am. And that’s exactly when ‘Doing Things Differently’ is supposed to become ‘Doing Things The Same’!

Meleah put on her ‘Outfit’ and went ‘Outside’ but she could only walk around the block FOUR times in a row, for the third day in a row, for the eleventh week in a row. And half way through ‘The Last Lap’ she wanted to DIE. The pain in both her legs was so brutal she almost had to resort to CRAWLING. With tears in her eyes she looked down at her legs and noticed the mysterious ‘Bumps’, ‘Lumps’ and ‘Circles’ on her ‘Right Shin’ had returned and with a vengeance.

But, when she got home, rather than smoking a cigarette, she did 100 ‘Stomach Crunches’ and 50 ‘Push-Ups’ for the fourth day in a row, for the seventh week in a row. And then she had to ‘Ice’ her shins for several hours.

Meleah really doesn’t understand WHY she’s been able to put on her ‘Outfit’ and go ‘Outside’ and walk around the block for ‘Eleven Weeks – In A Row’ – without having ANY ‘Shin Splint Incidents’ whatsoever. But more importantly than that, she should probably consider seeing a ‘Professional’ or some kind of ‘Specialist’ regarding the ‘Very Noticeable Protruding And Painful Lumps’ sticking out of her right leg. Because she would really like for this problem to ‘Go Away’!

Saturday, SHOULD HAVE BEEN ‘Day One’ of ‘Doing Things The Same’. But sadly, Meleah was still ‘Debilitated’ and she did not want to ‘Run The Risk’ of ‘Furthering The Injury’.

Instead, she packed up her ‘Beloved Computer’ and the rest of her ‘Electronical Devices’ and headed to KHCC. Meleah spent the day ‘Laughing Out Loud’ with ‘Amy The Bartender’ and patiently waited for her brother Abercrombie to ‘Arrive’.

Sunday, Meleah managed to pull herself together and went out for an ‘Awesome Day Of Golf’. And even though she was basically ‘Crippled’ and barely made contact with the ball, she had ‘A Most Excellent Drive’ on the ‘Fourth Hole’.

And yet somehow, after all of this?  Meleah still isn’t totally satisfied with her’ Self-Imposed-Life-Altering-Challenge’.

Especially since she feels like she’s missed too many days – and too many days in a row.

Which led her to thinking.

Meleah only needs ‘Thirty More Days’, for this to become a ‘90-Day Mission’. And maybe she can pretend that ‘The First 60 Days’ were merely a form of ‘Practice’ to get herself ready for the ‘Real Challenge’.

Meleah intends to treat the next 30 days much like someone attending AA. But, instead of going to 30 meetings in 30 days, she is going to continue ‘Doing Things Differently’ for 30 Days ‘In A Row’.


Yanno. AFTER she visits a ‘Real Doctor’ to find out  ‘What Is Going On’ with her ‘Shin Splints’ and how to treat these ‘Mysterious Lumps’ on her legs.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Doing Things Differently, Golf, KHCC, Life, Links, Photos, Strong Medicine. Bookmark the permalink.

71 Responses to Doing Things Differently™ – My Week In Review [Part Eleven]

  1. silverneurotic says:

    I hope the doctor can figure out what's wrong.

  2. that makes TWO of us!

  3. Gina says:

    My, my, me, oh my. Please go to the doc and continue to do what you can without injuring yourself. Don't get out of your new habits, but take care of yourself. You've come too far to quit now, but maybe you need to do some other forms of exercising in the meantime. I have to ask though, have you seen a difference physically since you have started doing things differently, which are becoming the same?

    I'm happy that you went out and played golf and hung with Amy the Bartender. Those are probably the best things you could have done for yourself.

    Take care of you.

  4. buggys says:

    That sounds a little scary! Seems like you ought to seek medical help there. My daughter had something like this when she was about 7-8 years old. The Dr. never figured out what it was and eventually the lumps disappeared.

  5. Marty Wombacher says:

    Please go to the doctor soon and let us know what the bumps are. I know how it feels to get in Costanza mode and it's no fun! And if you're like me you go on Google and find the worst thing it can be. I hope next week is a healthier week for you!

    P.S. When I enter my website it tells me it's not a valid site! (I'm here at work and for some reasons I have trouble commenting from work computers.)

  6. Chuck says:

    I don't know if you have an indoor pool at your “place”, but if they do, they sell vests to keep you upright in the water and one runs in the water. NO stress. I did this years ago in training for a Triathalon when I was hurt. ALSO, ASICS, IMHO are the best. 20 years I have used them. You have to pay at least 60.00 for good running/walking shoes.

  7. I do notice a HUGE difference in the way I look and the way I feel which is why I am really upset about this shin splint bumpy leg situation. I would hate to have to quit. So, in the meantime I am going to spend the money on really expensive sneakers and call a REAL doctor! And, hanging out with my brother and my best friends is ALWAYS fun!

  8. That's what I'm hoping will happen! In the meantime New Sneakers can't hurt! 🙂

  9. Your damned work computers cause so many issues for you! Google + WebMD = Crazy Meleah!

  10. I am totally spending the money on good sneakers this week. And, I hope the lumpy bumby thingys just go away!

  11. livintheblues says:

    good sneakers help..I use them with gel pads..problem solved

  12. cmk says:

    Instead of 'shin splints,' I have 'ass splints' from sitting too much. 😀 I am so pumped for you and your DTD. One of these days for me, one of these days…

  13. yeah, I definitely need new sneakers!

  14. Ahahahahahah! I love you woman!

  15. Chuck says:

    Asics are built with gel in them already…. the ONLY ones. (And I DON'T work for them :>)

  16. livintheblues says:

    hey Thanks Chuck for the info..:)

  17. I know! That's the kind I want to get!

  18. Oh my! That would scare me to bits! You get to the docs with that. At least it will put your mind at rest if it's nothing to worry about.

  19. I know. I am a little freaked out about these weird protrusions.

  20. Oh, don't make things worse, sweetie! If you have to stay off of your feet, do it! It won't be worth losing your legs just so you could do things differently. Do them differently later, with healthier legs. You are a superwoman for even THINKING about going outside when you're sick. Oh what am I saying, don't listen to me. Don't you hate it when people give you unsolicited advice?

  21. agg79 says:

    Hey. I figured it out. You must be wearing your GOLF shoes on your walks. Those cleats really suck when it comes to pavement.

    Ok. Normally I would tell you to walk it off, but you might want to get that pain and bumps checked out by the doc. Or at least a medic with good hands. I'm sure it is something simple like changing shoes, but just want to make sure.

    I agree with many of your other possee that a good pair of shoes will definitely help and I am a huge ASICs fan. They may not be the cheapest shoe around, but sometimes you gotta pamper yourself and go for the good gear. Life's too short to cut corners with your shoes, your health, and your whiskey (or tequilla). A cheap, quick trick might be to go to a running store and get checked out. Some places can diagnose your feet/stride/condition and recommend a shoe for your style. You might get some ideas from the Runnersworld ( website.

    Take it easy and take care of those legs. They're all you got to stand on…

  22. Ahahahahhaha.
    I am used to Unsolicited Advice.
    My 90 year old Grandfather loves to give me a Daily Dose of that!

    Im trying my best to stay off my feet – but its so hard!
    Hey at least I have the internet right?

  23. RonnieC says:

    OMG girl, you and I are like two peas in a pod! I'm the same exact way when it comes to having something wrong with me, I keep pushing myself because I hate giving into things. Oy vey! One time I had an abscessed tooth and worked right through it.

    However, it amazes me that you were still able to do your walking with your shin splints and mysterious lumps on your legs. You must be WONDER WOMAN.

    And talking about those gel insoles, I used them for a few years when I was doing a lot of standing at work and they seemed to help a lot. Now, I just use the double thick Dr. Insoles and they seem to work just as well.

    Anyway, I hope your allergies are doing better. SOOOO many people I know are experiencing the same thing right now.

    You take care, my wonderful Libra friend!

  24. Aw. Thanks Agg.

    I really tried to 'Walk It Off' but, that just made matters worse!

    I am TOTALLY going shopping for the ASIC sneakers. At this point I don't
    care how much they cost! You just cant skimp on good toilet paper or shoes!

    And, thanks for the linkage. Im going to check out RunnersWorld right now

  25. Nicky says:

    Good shoes are really important, but there is something else that I noticed you never mention and that is stretching. You're working your muscles, but you need to stretch them as well, otherwise they cramp up and knots form. Try 5 – 10 minutes before and after you excercise, or yoga once or twice a week. But first, you need to rest up and check with your doctor to make sure there are no other issues. I hope you feel better soon.

  26. agg79 says:

    Try looking in the injury prevention section.
    It may be just more useless information for you to worry over, but I figured they know more about those types of injuries than most.

  27. Aw. Ronnie. You're so good to me!
    I really tried to push through.
    But sadly, even this Wonder Woman had to give in and take a break.

    My allergies are so MUCH better! And once I get this leg bump shin splint
    thingy under control – I should be unstoppable!

  28. peedee says:

    oh dear. REST THOSE SHINS!!! Feel better girl. And my kids allergies turned into a sinus infection last week as well. She got grounded and couldnt fly for a whole week. You'd have thought the world was ending. Anyway, after the zpack and 27 other meds she's much better. Hope you feel better hun.

  29. Thanks Nicky.

    I do stretch – but not nearly enough or as much as I should.
    Im going to follow Doctors Orders [shocking] and give myself a break before
    I go shopping for those new sneakers I so desperately need!

    I hope YOU are in a better mood this week?

  30. I *love* useless information that makes me worry!
    And I am NOT even being sarcastic!

  31. Damn Allergies – wrecking everyone's week! Thanks Queen. Im slowly on the mend!

  32. Selma says:

    I hope you find out what is causing those bumps. I hate when things like that happen. When I started doing yoga a while back I was all enthusiastic initially but then I did something to my neck and now don't have the same flexibility. I hope your allergies clear up soon. Look after yourself.

  33. I went on my first walk today after a long winter. 2 miles. Half way in I had the worst case of shin splints. I almost sat down and cried and then I would have called someone to pick me up but I forgot my phone. I don't have bumpy things so I don't know what that is but shin splints are usually from not working the muscles in a long time. You have been DTD for a long time, so much it is DTTS, so really get yourself to a doctor right away. And stay off WebMD. I've put myself into a panic too many times by going there.

  34. Oh Girl – I feel your pain! Ice, Advil, Rest.

    And OMFG 2 miles? That's INSANE!
    You're supposed to Dream Big- but START SMALL!

    And, just like you said – I shouldn't be having these issues 12 weeks into
    DTD! I am TOTALLY going to the doctor and getting new sneakers.

  35. I usually do four, I was starting slowly. But, after walking only 30 feet at
    a time to let the dog in or out, all winter long I am a little rusty. They
    stopped hurting as soon as I stopped walking. Get to the doctor before you
    buy new shoes. Please!

  36. Okay. I will. I promise.

    I'm VERY glad YOU already feel better!

  37. BK says:

    That was exactly what I was thinking; Meleah can do whatever she want on the 30 days but not after she see the doctor first.

  38. sheila says:

    Sinus infections are the worst – glad your getting (somewhat) back to normal. “Sofa king” I've got to file that one away.

  39. I'm glad you finally got some meds for your nose/head/etc.
    Shin splints: I always try to “play” through pain too. But you know what. There's no such thing really. It just means more pain and more suffering later.
    PLEASE go get this checked out. It's probably just overuse, or maybe you need to get different shoes.
    Funny that you still managed to get in some golf! 🙂
    ps. My response to your comment on our “Compromise” post was: You're probably just too busy doing things differently.

  40. BobG says:

    I hope the doctor can get your legs fixed up without much trouble; you've really come a long ways both physically and mentally since you have decided to change your life. Keep your spirits up and keep doing what you're doing.

  41. I use and ABUSE “Sofa king” on an almost daily basis!

  42. Thanks Bob! Im so frustrated because like you said – I feel like Ive come so far and I dont want to start going backwards now!

  43. Im glad my allergy sinus situation is under control too. Now if I could just fix this shin splint / bumpy leg issue I should be good to go! I will get this checked out, and I will get new shoes! And yes, I am too busy DTD to compromise with a relationship! Ahahahahahah!!

  44. slyde says:

    I was going to make a lewd comment about how i could help you get rid of some of
    that “Misplaced Restless Energy’ of yours, but then i realized that im much too
    adult for that…

  45. Ms. Freeman says:

    Oh good lord! You have put yourself through the wringer! Are you stretching before you work out and warming down after you work out?

  46. Ahahahahahahahahahaah

  47. Probably NOT as much as I should!

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