As It Turns Out…

I do not have the Flu. I have a severe Upper Respiratory Infection & Bronchitis. Which for someone like me (with no immune system) is a mere step away from turning into full blown pneumonia. Thus the need for stronger / better antibiotics and why I still feel like there is a 1000lbs man is sitting on my chest. Still Home. Still Sick. Nothing to write about. Stronger prescriptions are kicking my ass.



PS: It is The Scrubs Trivia Game On MeleVision today. Go Play!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in MeleVision, Strong Medicine, TV and Movies. Bookmark the permalink.

38 Responses to As It Turns Out…

  1. Ingrid says:

    Oh, dear. Please take care of yourself. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and send you get well vibes.

  2. Dazd says:

    Oh no…sending more prayers!

    BTW…nice chest pic. heh

  3. Meleah says:

    Im sleeping and drinking plenty of water, but how come when you are sick you feel like you are 5 years old?

  4. dawn says:

    I feel for you. I’ve been there… several times. Kinda felt like I was dying.
    Bronchitis is horrible but I always felt that keeping a hot pack to my chest and back helped a little. You are in my thoughts and I’ll check back soon 🙂
    take good care

  5. I bet a little Halloween chocolate might make you feel better….?
    Take care & feel better soon!!!

  6. dawn says:

    I know how you feel. I’ve been there so many times and felt like I was dying.
    I always found a hot pack to your chest and back helps a little. Bronchitis is the worst. Take care and I’ll check back soon! 🙂

  7. leslie says:

    I hope none of your medicines have corn syrup/frustose/corn powder, corn based anythiong to make you worse. Feel better.

  8. BobG says:

    Hang in there lady; we know you can beat this if you don’t give up. We need you back here posting.

  9. someGirl says:

    THAT BITES. Just sleep, it will get better soon…(I haven’t been able to leave a comment for a couple of days now. Don’t think I forgot about you!!) If the antibiotics don’t work, I’ll lure the 1000 man sitting on your chest with a trough of twinkies and ice cream…


  10. Laurie Anne says:

    OMG…I just walked into your “store!” I almost urinated here on the chair!!!! The Greg stuff, the Evelyn stuff–Brilliant!

  11. Hammer says:

    You have the same thing as my daughter. It’s a real bad one this year.
    hot tea and a hot showers help somewhat.

    Get better soon.

  12. cmk says:

    Wish I had something witty to say to brighten your day, but alas, I do not. So, I’ll just say that I have you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you’re much better soon.

  13. martoon says:

    Oh god, sounds awful – hope you get better soon hun x

  14. Graham says:

    Hey! I am truly sorry to here that you are poorly. There is nothing worse that being ill. My thoughts are with you and I send you a big warm hug!!!!

    Get well soon and keep smilin’

    Best wishes ~ Graham

  15. jodi says:

    Well now…see momma’s advice of rest rest rest is important!
    I am sure you are! Jersey isnt that far…want some soup?

  16. Selma says:

    I am so sorry to hear of your illness and I am praying that you recover quickly. Chest infections are exhausting, they just sap your strength. Please take care. Sending you an armful of warm, sunshiney vibes from Australia!

  17. micki says:

    Kick bronchitis’ ass.

  18. Oh this is horrible!!!

    I am sending you gentle yet powerful antibiotic-laden kisses and wishes
    for a speedy recovery!
    Take care, darling girl!


  19. paisley says:

    ugh!!! i get bronchitis once a year at least… smoke another one jodi!!!! i know how you feel ,, but you have more reason to really monitor it,,, i know you know that… take care rest try not to smoke.. yeah right,, i know how successful i am when i have it……

  20. Avery says:

    Oh my! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  21. Meleah says:

    Laurie: I know how fucking funny is the Greg & Ev merchandise? I love that shit!


    ha ha ha ha ha *twinkies & the thousand pound man….That was HYSTERICAL. Thanks for sending me into a coughing fit…well worth it!!!

    Paisley: Not smoking is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Jodi: yes please, delivery of some home made soup is JUST what I need.

    ***Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I’ve been unconscious for two days in a row, which has helped alot. I am on day 4 of the antibiotics and have been drinking tons of water. I miss my peeps. I will be checking out all YOUR blogs tonight. ***

    …and don’t worry Leslie, the medications are safe for me, not like that last time… 🙂

  22. Joanne says:

    Wow, sounds serious….and seriously painful. Do you still have a voice or it simple just being weak at the moment? When I get bad coughs, I go through an initial period where it sounds kinda cool (almost sexy), then it disappears and I’m the freak with lotsa hand motions trying to get a point across…and then I just sound like a man. LOLs!

  23. Meleah says:


    I am at the sound like a MAN stage.

    Sounding sexy ended on Sunday when this all started with a sore throat.

    I feel MUCH better.


    No shit! whew!

  24. Rolando says:

    Sorry you’re not feeling well. I was hoping for a full body x-ray though 🙂

  25. Exposed says:

    SO glad you’re starting to feel better, and wanted to say thank you! I’m flattered to be moved up to your every day reads 🙂

    And enjoy the “sound like a man” stage. I had a male friend in college that said a gravely voice was probably the sexiest thing ever on a woman.

  26. Jose says:

    Hello Meleah,

    I heard you were sick with respiratory illness, and just wanted to stop by and wish you well.

    I hope you’re feeling better, an will be back to 100% real soon.

    Get well soon!


  27. Meleah says:


    You have a GREAT blog. You write a fantastic spin on the whole dating scene. I truly enjoy reading your blog. In fact, I cant get enough…. I had to move you up on my list!

    Im so happy to finally FEEL better (almost a week later) .

    But, I cant wait to get my REGULAR voice back, that was raspy enough, I really sound like a DOOD.


    Aww… thanks DAZD is great.


    Ha ha ha ha

  28. vw bug says:

    Get well soon! Daz’d sent me!

  29. Meleah says:

    Thanks V-DUB.

    Dazd is one of my best blog buddies.

  30. Angela says:

    CRAP! I hope you’re feeling better very, very soon!

  31. kellypea says:

    Boy is this bringing back memories. I have had exactly that nearly every year of my life up until about 3 or 4 years ago. Just susceptible to it. It’s in the family, and it didn’t help being around my step father who smoked four packs of Pall Malls when I was growing up. Good luck to you, meleah! I’ve had it for as many as 9 or 10 weeks, and then after beginning to feel better, relapse for another six. No pneumonia, though. Thankfully!

  32. Meleah says:

    I am just glad I caught in time time and that its only lasting a weekish. I cant with being sick for a whole month again. Ugh.

  33. HollyGL says:

    Hey, I hope you’re feeling better today. WATER and sleep and Vit C. ALL THE TIME. You’ll kick it out of you. xoxo

  34. Meleah says:



  35. Marian says:

    Hope you get to feeling better soon. Get plenty of sleep if you can…will check back on you later. 🙂

  36. Ricardo says:

    That totally sucks!!!! Don’t take any chances and get loads of rest. These things are very dangerous I tell you!!!

  37. Pingback: Momma Mia, Mea Culpa » Blog Archive » We Interrupt This Program For A Medical Update.

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