Writing Rituals And The Muse

I’m pretty sure we all have our own brand of Writing Rituals.


For me, whenever I sit down to write I must have a few things in order.

  1. I can only use my computer.
  2. I light my favorite scented candles.
  3. I make a fresh pot of brewed coffee.
  4. I open a new pack of cigarettes.
  5. I need complete silence. [I cannot write with music or the television playing in the background, and so help the person who interrupts me when I am in the zone. Which explains why I do the bulk of my writing in the middle of the night.]
  6. Lastly, I wear the ‘Same Outfit’, and I refer to it as my ‘Writing Uniform’. [Don’t worry. I wash it every night.]

But lately, no matter what I was doing? I was still having a very difficult time stringing together sentences. And it was certainly NOT for a lack of material. I have a plethora of blog fodder. However, I was finding it ‘Half Past Impossible’ to properly articulate or convey those stories. And by that I mean, I sat in front of my computer for days and days only to construct long-winded and boring posts. [read: pure drivel.] No amount of editing would help, and no matter how many times I tried walking away or starting over, NOTHING sounded right. It all just came across flat.

And here’s what was the MOST vexing.

It seemed like I was only able to come up with any ideas [or words for that matter] when I was driving my car. But, since I was behind the wheel of a moving vehicle, I could not very well write down any of those ideas. And by the time I got home? My brain would completely go blank. Clearly, my muse was messing with me. She showed up at the most inopportune times and then she vanished when I needed her.

After two weeks of this nonsense, I was beyond frustrated. I was just about ready to rip out my own hair and set myself on fire – when something almost magical happened.

I took my son shopping for some clothes at Target when I stumbled upon a set of pajamas that I just had to have. Of course, I immediately purchased them. On the ride home, I decided these pajamas would be perfect to use as my new ‘Writing Uniform’. And wouldn’t you know it? Not two seconds after making that decision? My head was filled with words. Oh yes, those elusive and ever-so glorious words that I had been searching for – finally arrived.

I was smiling from ear to ear while funny phrases and silly puns galloped through my mind. But, then I realized I was IN MY CAR! And that meant if I didn’t figure out a way to retain these thoughts, ideas, and words, they would most likely be gone by the time I got home. So what was a girl to do?

In a panic, I asked my son to grab my iPhone. He did. Then, I told him to hurry up and find the camera button. He obliged. And thankfully, I was able to record everything! When I got home? I washed my new pajamas. I got dressed in them. I played back all of my notes. And I’ve been able to write ever since.

Yes people. I think I found my voice again. Apparently, I needed to out-fox my muse and buy a new Uniform.

So tell me…

What are some of YOUR ‘Writing Rituals’?

And how do you coax your muse into delivering substantial material on demand?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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83 Responses to Writing Rituals And The Muse

  1. Tanya says:

    Just landed here via Mom-Zombie… I am coming to terms with the fact that I can't wait to write when I feel inspired but I have to write when I have time (two little kids etc). I'm adapting… I try to take notes during the day when something pops in to my head and then I expand when I have a few stolen moment in the evening or during nap time…

  2. Taking notes is a GREAT idea. Thanks for stopping over here!
    Welcome to my blog!

  3. Noemi says:

    You gave me a new idea: the candles. My laptop (which needs replaced, I think), cigs, and coffee – all check!

  4. Shawn says:

    Meleah, buy a dictaphone for the car. Or maybe some newer technology. Some cell phones have speaker phone and a recording option.
    My ideas come at random times and I use my phone, my pen or my computer to preserve the thoughts. When I find the time, I expand on it.
    Writing deadlines do not work for me. I can't set up a time to write. I have to feel it or feel like writing.

  5. I want new pajamas!!!

    I don't have a Writing Uniform. But I do have to have complete silence when I write/blog.

    I've tried recording notes into my iPod mic, but the sound of my own voice creeps me out. I would be way too self-conscious to film myself, but I say, good for you! That was most inventive. I'm glad you found a way to outfox your muse. I think our muses keep us on our toes like that to keep the creativity flowing. Or something.

  6. Mike says:

    I cannot write with the TV on in the background or use it like a radio. Random TV noise makes me nuts.

    I come up with tons of ideas when I'm at work. Sometimes I'll open up a text editor and keep some notes, but most of the time things that are funny at the office are not funny outside the office! It's like silly things are out of context in the “Serious Work Environment”, so their funniness is amplified when I'm there.

  7. Candles are a MUST have!

  8. Yeah, I have to FEEL like writing too!

  9. JD:
    I hate the sound of my voice too!
    It totally freaked me out when I played back my notes! UGH!

  10. Background noise drives me nuts too!

  11. Momo Fali says:

    Dude, you can find ANYTHING at Target.

  12. Awake In Rochester says:

    I have to use the library computer now, so don’t have a ritual anymore. I just hope for quite. It’s a bit loud sometimes.

  13. I know. I LOVE that store!

  14. I cant imagine a Library being loud!

  15. BK says:

    Should there be any writing muse, I think for me would be when I am alone in the house. Do you think it is possible to get a recorder in your car so you can record your thoughts safely, even when you are driving? 🙂

  16. Selma says:

    I can relate to this so much. I have not been able to get my head into blogging much lately. I think I need some of your magic pajamas. A ritual that does really help me is tidying my study. Sometimes my study becomes the 'everything room.' The ironing is in there, storage, DIY projects waiting to be done. You name it. If I tidy everything up I tend to write better. I think I might need another room!

  17. I love that store with my whole heart!

  18. I can't imagine the Library would be loud at times!

  19. ladyV says:

    running/jogging/walking on the treadmill. i sweat words

  20. Jules says:

    When I get like that I just start writing gibberish. Sometimes I post them like that and sometimes I go back and edit. For me just thinking and typing as I think eventually turns into very amusing and random thoughts. I don't have any rituals though…but I like to have background music or the tv on.. I like noise (except for elephant ladies above me who vacuum at weird hours)

  21. Mike says:

    I don't really have a 'ritual' as you describe, but I certainly require silence. I can't write well with people talking or music playing in the background. I'm very easily distracted.

  22. Keith Davis says:

    Hi Meleah
    I find that walking gives me ideas, lots and lots of ideas.
    Probably because it is relaxing and the brain goes into freefall.
    Once I've got the ideas I type them out.
    Beauty of typing is that you can add, delete or just move the ideas around.

    Then I edit like crazy.
    I try and cut out all the unnecessar words until the piece really starts to shine.
    Takes ages but always works for me.

  23. lemonstand says:

    The magic of the muse. I

  24. lemonstand says:

    It's all in the pajamas… (note to self: don't hit the enter key before you finish writing the sentence…)

  25. Im definitely getting a recorder! And silence/having the house to myself is essential!

  26. You definitely need new magical pajamas! xoxo

  27. I've thought about posting gibberish after some editing too! And of course I've done a few stream of consciousness posts, but usually, when I feel like this, I cant even conjure up either!

  28. Silence IS golden! Im totally ADD and cant be distracted!

  29. Thanks for the advice/tips!

  30. My muse is so fickle!

  31. Ahahahahahahahhahah!! xoxoxoxoox

  32. Pingback:   Blog Posts and Ideas! — Momma Mia, Mea Culpa

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