Happy 60th Birthday Daddy

Dear Daddy,

You are my hero and you are my role model. You have been My Protector and my safe harbor. You have given me so much Comic Relief. And my time with you is always filled with laughter. You’ve been my savior and you’ve been My Friend.

Thank You, Daddy.

Thank you for everything you have ever done for me, and my son. Thank you for believing in me, standing by me, and supporting me. Your unconditional love has been more than enough. Not only did you save my life, but you gave me a life.

A life that I want to live.

You have taught me some of the most important lessons, like what it truly means to be an important part of a real family, and how to take pride in a hard day’s work.

When I look at you, I see a man whose honor and integrity shines above all others. I can only hope that my son grows up to be half the man you are.

I wish there was some grand gesture, or words bigger than ‘I LOVE YOU’ to express just how much I value, treasure, and cherish our relationship. I want you to know how special you are to me.

Please always remember:

You are the family I have always wanted.

You are The Father I have always needed.

I love you daddy.

Happy 60th Birthday.


Please enjoy some of my favorite stories & videos of my father.


My Daddy And The Spider

Wait! Isn’t that…?

My Daddy And 75 Cents

My Daddy And The Tire

My Daddy And The Bank

Man I Am Glad That’s Over


My Daddy And The Garbage Disposal

My Daddy And A Snow Removal Tutorial

My Daddy And The Desk Drawer

Life With The Parents [So Far]

Love Will Keep Us Together

Why ‘Tony Bennett’ Always Makes Me Laugh

Three Men, One Chandelier

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Family, Holidays, Life, Links, Love, Photos, Videos. Bookmark the permalink.

39 Responses to Happy 60th Birthday Daddy

  1. Michael C says:

    Dearest Mel’s ‘Tony Benneyt’ Father:
    Happy Birthday to someone who shares the same special B-day that I do. It’s a tough day to have a birthday on, but treat it with kindness and it will do the same. Wait, what the #%$%#& am I talking about? It’s just a day. No, it’s OUR day. Whoa, hold on, that makes it sound like it’s our anniversary or something…

    Ok, here’s the deal. I am going to start over…
    Happy Birthday to a very special guy on a very special day!!!

  2. Meleah says:

    Michael C:
    I love you!
    Happy Birthday to YOU too ‘My Twin’.

  3. Lance says:

    Awww, Meleah, that is so sweet.

    A big Happy Birthday to your dad!!

  4. Happy Birthday Meleah’s Daddy !!!!!!! Dad’s are the best ! I’m so glad you love yours the way I love mine. We are the lucky ones in the world who have father’s to protect and love us no matter how old we get.

  5. Kathy says:

    How beautiful! Happy Birthday Meleah’s father!

  6. J.D. Meier says:

    Wow. That’s about as high a compliment it gets from a daughter to their father.

    Happy Birthday Meleah’s Dad and I’m happy for you Meleah that you got a hero so close to home.

  7. Lee says:

    A beautiful post to honor your “other” father on his birthday. Don’t worry about feeling like the words aren’t adequate, Meleah. You did just fine and “Internet Dad 2.0” is proud of you! 😀

    And a very Happy Birthday and a Merry Christmas to your dad and the rest of your family.

  8. Hey Meleah, here’s wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 😀 And a happy 60th birthday to your dear daddy 😀

  9. Momo Fali says:

    Happy Birthday! We sure are glad you were born!

  10. Arv says:

    Happy Birthday to Your Dad 🙂

    Have a lovely time… 🙂

    Happy Holidays 🙂

  11. skipper says:

    Happy Birthday Tony! (I mean Meleah’s dad) I hope you get everything you need and some of what you want…(Ok, all of what you want…) 😉

  12. Meleah says:

    Thank you!

    The Girl I WILL Bring Home To Momma:
    Having a GOOD daddy is so very important to us girls.


    He really IS my HERO.

    (Please when I was shopping for his card? I broke down sobbing in the store. People were looking at me like I was CRAZY. I turned and said, “I just love my father so much”…)

    Thank you my ‘other daddy’.
    That gave me the reassurance I needed!

    You Rock.
    I hope the same for you and yours!

    MoMo Fali:


    I hope he gets everything too.

  13. Aw….Happy Birthday Dad!
    XOXOXO to you Meleah!

  14. BobG says:

    Happy birthday to your dad, and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  15. Happy Birthday to your day. I’m glad you two have a great relationship. That makes all the difference in the world.

  16. Happy birthday to your dad :O)

    I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

  17. How sweet, Meleah! In everything you write, I can sense your love for family, and this birthday wish to dad is wonderful. My own father is my best friend in the world. We are pretty blessed – as I know not all can claim to have such terrific role models.
    I’m going back to check out some of the links.

    Happy Birthday to Meleah’s Dad – AKA “Tony Bennet” !!

    woot woot

  18. Meleah says:

    Thank you honey!
    I love you.

    You’re so sweet.

    it really does.

    Thank you.
    I hope you have a great Christmas too!

    I am so very lucky to be so close with my family. I LOVE them immensely.
    You are LUCKY too!

  19. Lady Banana says:

    Happy Birthday Meleah’s Daddy!

  20. Jaffer says:

    Happy Birthday Meleah’s dad ! You’re only 60 ?! Young Man !

  21. Meleah says:

    You know how much I love my daddy.

    Thank You!

    He IS a Young Man.
    but today he thinks he is old.

  22. That’s beautiful Meleah! Your such a sweetie!

    Happy Birthday Meleah’s Dad!

  23. terri says:

    I don’t think there’s any gift you could buy your dad that would even come close to the beautiful gift of these words to him.

    Happy Birthday to your dad!

  24. Barbara says:

    this is perfect, made me cry….you are blessed (and so is your dad)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  25. Meleah says:

    Thank you. My father is the world to me. If anything ever happened to him, life as I know it would be OVER.

    Aw. Thank you!

    I didnt mean to make you cry!

  26. Ron, can I call you Ron? I know we’ve only just met and all… Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! You’ve raised a fine woman. Meleah is the best! I know she loves you, and anyone that makes her happy, is “A-OK” by me (not that they need my approval or anything, but you get what I mean).

    Happy Birthday!

  27. Ricardo says:

    A big happy birthday to your dad from me!

  28. Selma says:

    Your Dad is a really wonderful person. I still laugh when I think of some of the stories you’ve told us about him. He is one of the good guys. Hope he had an amazing birthday!!!

  29. Meleah says:

    Ricardo B:
    Aw. You are a doll! Thank you so very much.

    Thank you. I will let him know you wished him well!

    Yep. My daddy makes for GREAT stories!
    He had a wonderful birthday!

  30. Betty says:

    Awww that was so sweet. Happy Birthday to your dad!

  31. Natural says:

    that’s beautiful M. you know i weep easily.

  32. Meleah says:

    I tear up just thinking about my father!!

    Thank you!

  33. kellypea says:

    Happy Belated Birthday, Meleah’s Hunky Dad. w00000000000t!

  34. I have similar feeling about my Dad. We are very lucky to have Fathers like this. So many don’t.

  35. Meleah says:

    Yes. Even at 60 my dad still rocks the hunky factor!

    After a rather difficult childhood, I finally got The Best Dad EVER at age 17.
    And, yes, that has made all the difference in my life. I am lucky. I know what its like NOT to have a good father.

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