The Longest Award Ceremony Ever…

And The Most Long Over Due Award Ceremony.

I am sofa king behind in tags, awards, and memes that I am going make up for as much as I can right here and now. Thus, the LONGEST award list to ever take place in the history of blogging. [*sorry*]

And, if by some chance, I have accidentally left someone out, or forgot to add you, please feel free to remind me via email or comment.

One more thing, I truly appreciate each and every one of these awards, and each and every one of your blogs, and more importantly, the people behind the blogs. I am very blessed to have the best blog FAMILY.

On with the ceremony.

I have been given this award known as ‘The Helping Hand Emblem’ from Shae @ the blog Hey Shae

[Receiving the Emblem in recognition for your mentoring, support, and encouragement to a fellow blogger is no small fete! It is evidence that you have gone well beyond the call of duty by your continued efforts to “leave the pile higher than you found it”! It is further evidence that your blog(s)has been identified as the epitome of excellence and is certainly admired. Receiving the Emblem from a seasoned blogger is a testimony to your that you’re on the right track! That your voice is being heard. And there are those out here in the blogosphere that recognize your potential even if you don’t. Keep up the good work.]


I was also given this award known as ‘I Love Your Blog’ by Rolando @ the blog My Hush Space

[Receiving the ‘I Love Your Blog’ from someone who loves to read my blog makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And just when I thought I was going to scare people away.]


I have also been given this award known as ‘The Million Dollar Friend‘ by Lee @ the blog TarHeel Ramblings and by Good Ole Speedy @ 0007 Undercover and by Dawn @ Twisted Sister

[To be considered a million dollar friend by anyone is a great honor, and the feeling is 100% mutual.]


And, it seems as if I’ve won this award ‘A Perfect Blend Of Friendship’ from Roshan @ Awake & Dreaming

[Thank you. You know just how much I love my coffee and my fellow bloggers!!]


I have received this award known as Brillante Weblog 2008 from Terri Terri @ Terri Terri Quite Contrary


I have received this award titled Arte-Y-Pico from Drowsey Monkey @ Drowsey Monkey Awards and by CMK @ Out Of My Mind and by Urban @ Urban Observations


Finally I also received The Lemonade Award from Awake In Rochester (also known as AIR in the comments) and this award was also given to me by the craziest cat I know Speedy.

“Lemonade” Is Awarded to “Living With A Chronic Illness” . This award is given to blogs demonstrating a great attitude of gratitude.

Why thank you…although I haven’t been very grateful lately. Maybe I will start now.

In closing,

I would like to pass EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE AWARDS,  to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE BLOGS. These are the blogs I enjoy reading every day. This list, is made up the people that have been by my side, supporting me, cheering for me, encouraging me, and have kept reading this blog through the good times and bad. *I have even included my favorite ‘new comers’.*

So have at it people.

Feel free to choose which award you like the most, or take all of them! Then proudly post them on your blogs!


(and now you can see why it takes me 5-6 hours a day to make my ‘blog rounds’)

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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55 Responses to The Longest Award Ceremony Ever…

  1. Amy says:

    I am a bit late getting to this, just wanted to say thank you for the mention and congratulations on all the awards. You have touched many lives. Take care of yourself!

  2. Mimi Lenox says:

    Oh! Thank you so much!

  3. Meleah says:

    Aw. I am thrilled just as much to have *met* you!

    Thank you & Your Welcome

    Why Thank You.


    You are VERY welcome

  4. Pingback: ’tis the season … for AWARDS | Where's My Damn Answer?

  5. SjP says:

    Congratulations on receiving the Emblem of the Helping Hand. I’d be much obliged if you would link the award to the so that others will know its origin. Also, please go here to sign the linkie. It serves a record of all recipients.

    Again, Congratulations and Much Obliged!
    SjP of Sojourner’s Place and creator of the Emblem of the Helping Hand.

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