8 year plan

I have exactly 8 years to read any / everything of value, build a vocabulary full of snarky words and learn how to construct a decent sentence.

I have had no formal education, with what little time I did spend in school was wasted on being cool, or stuck on dishes detail.

Now, I am a grown up (like it or not) and a mother (like it or not) I have 8 years left, wherein I am required to provide stability and consistency to a not-so-small-anymore dependant person. I intend to use this time wisely.

Over the next 8 years I plan to dedicate real time to read / learn all the things that pertain to literature and writing…so when JCH is 18, and ready to go out and find himself, I will have something other than his baby shoes to cling to.

Rather than stay defeated by circumstance, I chose to be inspired by it. I will take full advantage of all the links and blogs that the wonderful internet so graciously provides, to feed my head and learn something useful… and hey, it’s FREE!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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3 Responses to 8 year plan

  1. Leslie says:

    There’s the MEleah I know. I was wondering where she went this week. Welcome back! Love you forever…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hey Merleah…….We miss ya at karate… Your skills at writing are amazing.. interesting, funny and informative…..thanks for being you and lets get together soon! Forever I will be your editor….Rod

  3. meleah rebeccah says:

    I finished the books To Kill A Mockingbird & Breakfast at Tiffany’s this summer, now onto Pride & Predjudice

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