30 Days Of Photography | Day 16: Biblical

Day 16 - Biblical


I know some of you were expecting something entirely different today. However, it turns out I really AM way too chicken shit to use my “other idea” so I went with this one instead.




*Please take a look at other contestants participating by clicking here!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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67 Responses to 30 Days Of Photography | Day 16: Biblical

  1. BahahHAhHAHAH! I sure hope NOT!

  2. shadowrun300 says:

    YOU were afraid to post something? YOU who has always laid everything out there?
    Well even though you didn’t really post that pic, the idea of it is so funny! What did you Google to find THAT? 🙂

  3. I know ­ shocking that I was afraid to post something!

    Also ­ my sister in law, Leah, texted me that OTHER photo.
    I literally fell down laughing the 1st time I saw it.

  4. Oh Meleah that is STUNNING. I caught my breath when I saw this… this is the most beautiful picture of the whole challenge!

  5. Really, Katherine? Awwww! Thank you my sweetness!

  6. Lauren says:

    You are fucking nuts.hahahahahahha!

  7. ladyV says:

    i really thought you were going to use the jewish “hair”

  8. I didn’t have the balls.

  9. ladyV says:

    you? no balls?  i don’t believe it.

  10. Cheryl says:

    This is beautiful. Oh shit! You’re a Libra too? I’m surrounded by you people. Hell, I even married one ~ been together close to 28 years and our 25th anniversary is in 2014. NOW, your kooky sense of humor makes perfect sense to me.

    Pee Ess: The other photo was just right for Wrong. I giggle when I saw it on FB and it still gives me a warm feeling here.

  11. Jackal says:

    Oh heavens above not THAT picture again. Has taken me ages to get the image out of my mind… and now it’s back again!!

  12. territerri says:

    Hahahaha! Love the crazy alternative photo!

  13. Yep. I am a Libra. And in every sense too!!


  14. AHhHAhAHHAHHAHHahahahh!!! Yes!! Now you will be scarred for life!

  15. Right? I think it’s HILARIOUS!

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